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地中海西部的Tyrrhёnien海是一个构造十分复杂并且正在发生大洋化的现代海盆,其发展史似乎受到向Cala-brais岛弧之下俯冲的Ionien洋壳的控制.各种成分的陆地火山及海底火山在整个地区广泛分布(碱性、钙碱性海底拉斑玄武岩).位于意大利Naples和stromboli之间的Pali-nuro海底火山屹立于Calabrais大陆边缘的海岸地带,高出海底近3000米(最大海拔高度约70米).这座在更新世形成的海底火山主要由钙碱性及碱性熔岩组成.但是,对其形成的机理及其构造性质尚未取得一致看法(岛弧作用或盆地活动边缘的膨胀作用).然而无论其成因如何,这座火山的形成无疑受到了板块俯冲作用的控制.人们曾在这个火山系统的若干个火山口中进行取样、钻探)得到了大量块状硫化物和矿化淤泥的标本.其中矿物共生组合主要有铜的硫-砷化物(如块硫砷铜矿、砷黝铜矿等)、自然铜(?)、自然银,辉铋矿、辉锑矿、黄铁矿及重晶 The Tyrrhёnien Sea in the western Mediterranean is a modern complex of oceanic structures that is complex and undergoing development and appears to be under the control of the Ionian Oceanic crust subducting beneath the Cala-brais arc. Terrestrial volcanoes and submarine volcanoes of various composition are present at The entire area is widely distributed (alkaline, calcareous basal tholei basalt). The Pali-nuro seabed volcano between Naples and stromboli stands on the coast of the Calabrais continental margin, nearly 3000 meters above sea level (maximum altitude approx. 70 meters) .This Pleistocene submarine volcano is mainly composed of calc-alkaline and alkaline lava, but no consensus has been reached on the mechanism of its formation and its tectonic properties (island arc or swelling at the edge of basin activity Regardless of its cause, however, the formation of this volcano is undoubtedly dominated by plate subduction, where people have sampled and drilled several volcanic craters in this volcanic system and have been given large amounts of massive sulphide and mineralized silt Species in which the mineral symbiotic combinations are mainly copper sulfur-arsenide (such as block arsenic copper mine, arsenic tetrahedrite, etc.), natural copper (?), Natural silver, bismuth Mine, stibnite, pyrite and heavy crystal
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