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河南,信阳。在国家级风景名胜区、国家级自然保护区、中国四大避暑胜地之一的鸡公山脚下,在京广线铁路信阳至陈家河改造工程工地上,十四局集团的建设者们,正用智慧和汗水,演奏着一曲金鸡报捷曲。“京广堵点”与“工程亮点”著名的京广铁路,在伟人毛泽东的词章里,被诗化为“沉沉一线穿南北”。它是我国铁路南北运输的主要通道之一,贯穿我国南北,纵跨六省市,是我国线路最长、经过省会城市最多、连接其它线路最广、运输最繁忙的铁路干线。1997年以来,铁道部先后对京广线铁路进行了五次提速改造。但是,京广线信阳至陈家河段80多公里铁路,由于受爬坡及小曲线等因素影响,大部分地段限速80公里,货车双机牵引,严重制约了列车运行速度提高,增加货物在途时间,提高了运营成本。2005年末,铁道部决定彻底改造京广线信陈段,新修铁路78公里,将客车时速提高至200公里,用一年时间打通京广线最大的卡脖子“堵点”。工程列为铁路第六次大提速的重点项目。十四局集团作为铁路建设的国家队,理所当然地会在关键时刻冲在前头。他们承建的站前一标段全长13.5公里,新建大桥四座、隧道二座、车站一个,其中鸡公山隧道垒长5708米,为改造工程全线三个控制工程之首。十四局集团虽然是铁路施工的一支劲旅,但在京广线信陈段改造工程中,无疑要打一场硬仗、恶仗! Henan, Xinyang. At the foot of Jigong Mountain, one of the four national scenic spots, national nature reserve and one of China’s four largest summer resorts, the constructors of the 14th Bureau Group are using wisdom And sweat, playing a song of the Golden Jubilee. The famous Jing-Guang Railroad in “Beijing-Guangzhou Blocking Point” and “Project Highlights” is poetically described as “sinking north and south through a deep line” in the essay of great man Mao Zedong. It is one of the main transportation routes for the north and south of China’s railways. It runs through the north and south of China and runs through six provinces and cities. It is the longest railway in our country, the most extensive in provincial capitals, the most extensive and the most busy in transportation. Since 1997, the Ministry of Railways has carried out five speedup transformations on the Beijing-Guangzhou Line. However, the Beijing-Guangzhou line from Xinyang to Chenjiahe more than 80 km of railways, due to climbing and small curves and other factors, most of the speed limit of 80 km, double-tractor traction, a serious constraint on the train speed, increase the goods in transit time , Increased operating costs. At the end of 2005, the Ministry of Railways decided to completely renovate the Beijing-Guangzhou line of letters Chen paragraph, the newly built railway 78 km, the passenger car speed increased to 200 km, with a year to open the Beijing-Guangzhou line the largest card neck “plug point.” The project is listed as the sixth major railway speed project. As the national team for the construction of the railway, the fourteen bureaux groups will, of course, rush ahead at a crucial time. The length of the first tenders they built was 13.5 kilometers in total length. Four new bridges, two tunnels and one station were built, of which the Jigongshan tunnel barrier was 5708 meters long, making it the first of three control projects in the reconstruction project. Although the fourteenth Bureau Group is a hardcore railway construction, but in the Beijing-Guangzhou line Chen reconstruction project, no doubt to fight a tough battle, evil battle!