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随着公路事业的发展,我国公路基础设施建设投资规模不断加大,公路技术等级不断提高以及相应标准规范体系的不断完善,试验检测技术也在不断向前发展。在公路工程施工中,公路工程试验检测质量控制技术贯穿于工程施工质量管理的全过程,是公路工程施工质量控制和竣工验收评定工作中不可缺少的环节。试验检测对工程质量的控制主要通过对各种原材料的验证试验和施工过程的抽样试验来实现。其间要处理大量的原始数据,而客观、准确、及时的试验检测数据,是指导、控制和评定工程质量的科学依据。通过试验检测工作能用定量的方法科学地评定各种材料和构件质量,使工程费用和进度得到有效的控制,发挥出最大的经济效益和社会效益,并能合理的控制并科学地评定工程质量。因此,认真做好公路工程施工过程中的试验检测工作,对于工程质量的控制尤为重要。 With the development of highway business, the investment scale of highway infrastructure construction in our country is constantly increasing, the technical level of highway is continuously improving, and the continuous improvement of the corresponding standard system, the technology of testing and testing is constantly developing. In the highway construction, highway engineering test quality control technology runs through the entire process of construction quality management, highway engineering construction quality control and acceptance of an integral part of the work of acceptance. Control of test quality control of the project mainly through the verification of various raw materials testing and construction of the sampling process to achieve. In the meantime, it is necessary to deal with a large amount of raw data, and objective, accurate and timely test data are the scientific basis for guiding, controlling and assessing the quality of the project. Through the test work can be quantitatively scientifically assessed the quality of various materials and components, so that project costs and progress are effectively controlled, play the greatest economic and social benefits, and can reasonably control and scientifically assess the quality of the project . Therefore, conscientiously do a good job in the highway construction test in the process of testing, for the quality control of the project is particularly important.
第1期油藏开发过程的最优控制模型及其离散化方法………………………………冯恩民 路 军(1)变尺度法的收敛性………………………………………………………………郭 建(9)应力
在哀悼刘伯承元帅的日子里,我们访问了老红军肖克将军,请他谈谈刘帅。我们久仰他文武双全,读过他论述刘帅的文章,对他的见解很钦佩。 他今年七十八岁,腰杆笔挺,语言简练,没
在连绵起伏的中条山下,横卧着一片浩荡的湖水,这就是著名的山西运城盐湖。相传早自先秦时,我们的祖先就在这百里盐湖煮水制盐了。 盐湖,不象淡水湖泊那样水产丰富,四周也没