花开两朵,个表一枝 芬朗Feelart RE-6.2W套装喇叭测试报告

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外观工艺简单说一下RE-6.2W的外观,如果你对芬朗产品有了解的话,相信不难看出RE-6.2W和芬朗Feelart产品线中的明星两分频产品RE-6.2 CF的外观有着许多相似之处,在RE-6.2W上我们也不难看出RE-6.2CF的影子。就以中低音单元为例,两款产品同样选用了结构坚固的铸铝盆架,音盆当中也同样配备了有利于信号扩散及音圈散热的金属子弹头相 The appearance of technology Simply say what the RE-6.2W appearance, if you know about Finnish products, I believe it is not difficult to see the RE-6.2W and Finlay Feelart product line star two-way products RE-6.2 CF appearance with Many similarities, in the RE-6.2W we can see the shadow of RE-6.2CF. In the bass unit, for example, the two products also use a solid structure of cast aluminum frame, which is also equipped with a sound cone is conducive to signal diffusion and voice coil heat metal warhead
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