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目的:对云贵高原黄花蒿种质资源的农艺性状进行田间观测和鉴定,为揭示我国黄花蒿种质资源多样性和提高种质资源利用率提供依据。方法:采用目测和测量的方法,对67份黄花蒿种质资源的21个农艺性状进行形态学分析和评价,并采用可变类平均方法对各种质材料进行聚类分析。结果:黄花蒿种质资源22个农艺性状存在显著差异,不同材料之间表现出不同程度的多样性。其中,变异系数最大的是侧枝重,达53.63%,其次为叶和蕾重、植株总重、羽片长及小叶长,变异系数分别为42.74%,41.61%,39.54%,39.22%。叶片颜色等性状的变异系数较低。基于农艺性状的聚类分析,可把供试黄花蒿种质资源划分为5组,各组具有一定的特点,有利于品种选育材料的选择。其中,第Ⅰ组主要表现为早熟、矮秆、细杆、叶片大、叶/秆值大、产量适中;第Ⅲ组表现为晚熟、植株高大粗壮、分枝数多、紫杆、羽片多且排列非常紧密、叶重大、叶/秆值大,产量非常高;第Ⅴ组主要表现为极晚熟、侧枝发达、产量较高。结论:黄花蒿种质资源存在着显著的遗传差异和丰富的多样性,聚类分析结果表明第Ⅰ组、第Ⅲ组和第Ⅴ组种质资源较适合作为黄花蒿品种选育的材料。 OBJECTIVE: To observe and identify the agronomic traits of Artemisia annua L. in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and provide the basis for revealing the diversity of Artemisia annua L. germplasm resources and the utilization rate of germplasm resources in China. Methods: Morphological analysis and evaluation of 21 agronomic traits of 67 A. annua germplasm resources were carried out by means of visual inspection and measurement. The clustering analysis of various agronomic materials was carried out by using variable average method. Results: There were significant differences in 22 agronomic characters among Artemisia annua L. germplasm resources, with different degrees of diversity among different materials. Among them, the coefficient of variation is the largest branch weight, up to 53.63%, followed by leaf and bud weight, total plant weight, leaf length and leaflet length, coefficient of variation were 42.74%, 41.61%, 39.54%, 39.22%. Variation coefficients of leaf color and other traits are lower. Based on the cluster analysis of agronomic traits, the germplasm resources of Artemisia annua L. were divided into five groups, each group has certain characteristics, which is conducive to the selection of varieties breeding materials. Among them, the first group mainly showed the characteristics of early maturity, dwarf, thin stem, large leaf, large leaf / stalk value, moderate yield; the third group showed late maturity, tall and stout plants with many branches, The arrangement is very close, the leaf is big, the leaf / stalk value is big, and the yield is very high. The group Ⅴ mainly has extremely late ripening, the lateral branch is developed and the yield is higher. Conclusion: The genetic diversity and rich diversity of Artemisia annua L. germplasm resources are significant. The results of cluster analysis indicated that the germplasm resources of Group Ⅰ, Group Ⅲ and Group Ⅴ are more suitable as breeding materials for Artemisia annua.
《中国企业家》2017年第2期封面故事《人民币!人民币!》王小波曾经讲过一个故事,真是当下雾霾笼罩着的中国的绝妙隐喻。西方著名后现代雕塑家、中国非著名工程师Two Wang同学
近年来,光释光测年无论是在测量方法(单测片技术,Murray and Wintle,2000;简单多片再生法,王旭龙,2005a)还是测量仪器(Bφtter-Jensen,1999)方面都有较大改进,关于各种沉积环境年轻沉