Clinical Observation of FMD Regimen:Fludarabine,Mitoxantrone,Dexamethasone,in Treatment of Non-Hodgk

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkfhvk1
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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the clinical effectivity and toxicity ofthe regimen FMD (fludarabine,mitoxantrone,dexamethasone) inpatients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.METHODS Thirty-two patients,twenty-four of whom hadindolent B-cell lymphoma,6 peripheral T-cell lymphoma,two diffuse large B-cell Iymphoma,received FMD.Treatmentcomprised:fludarabine 25~30 mg/m~2 days 1~3,mitoxantrone8~10 mg/m~2 day 1,and dexamethasone 20~30 mg/m2 days 1~5.Atthe same time,patients received prophylaxis against conditionalinfection with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole,fluconazole,acyclovir and immunoglobulin.RESULTS Of the thirty-two patients treated,the completeresponse (CR) rate,partial response (PR) rate and overall response(OR) rate were 56.3%,21.9% and 78.2% respectively.The CRand OR rate of 24 patients with indolent B-cell lymphoma were66.7% and 88.3% respectively.Two of six patients with peripheralT-cell lymphoma were of complete response type and one wasof partial response type.One of two patients with diffuse largeB-cell lymphoma was partial response.The dominating toxicitywas myelotoxicity and immunotoxicity.There was no treatmentassociated death in all patients treated with FMD.Grade 3~4neutropenia occurred in 43.8% patients,12.5% patients hadinfections and 9.3% developed grade 3~4 thrombocytopenia.At amedian follow-up of 24 (5~54) months,the 2-year overall-survivalrate and progression-free survival rate were (87.5±1.4)% and (83.3±1.6)% respectively.The 2-year OS and PFS rates of the indolentgroup were (93.75±6.25)% and (87.5±8.54)%.CONCLUSION FMD regimen was highly effective with lowtoxicity in the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma,especiallyin indolent B-cell lymphoma.It also helps to improve theprognosis even in some aggressive lymphoma,such as peripheralT cell lymphoma. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the clinical effectivity and toxicity of the regimen FMD (fludarabine, mitoxantrone, dexamethasone) inpatients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. METHODS Thirty-two patients, twenty-four of whom hadindolent B-cell lymphoma, 6 peripheral T-cell lymphoma, two diffuse large B-cell Iymphoma, received FMD. Treatment of fludarabine 25 ~ 30 mg / m ~ 2 days 1 ~ 3, mitoxantrone 8 ~ 10 mg / m ~ 2 day 1, and dexamethasone 20 ~ 30 mg / m2 days 1 ~ At the same time, patients received prophylaxis against conditional infection with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, fluconazole, acyclovir and immunoglobulin .RESULTS Of the thirty-two patients treated, the completeresponse (CR) rate, partial response (PR) rate and overall response (OR) rate were 56.3%, 21.9% and 78.2% respectively.The CRand OR rate of 24 patients with indolent B-cell lymphoma were 66.7% and 88.3% respectively. Two of six patients with peripheral T-cell lymphoma were complete response type and one wasof partial response type. One of two patients wi th diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was partial response. The dominating toxicity was myelotoxicity and immunotoxicity. There was no treatment associated with death in all patients treated with FMD. Grade 3 ~ 4 neutropenia occurred in 43.8% of patients, 12.5% ​​patients had infections and 9.3% developed grades 3 ~ 4-thrombocytopenia.At amedian follow-up of 24 (5 ~ 54) months, the 2-year overall-survivalrate and progression-free survival rates were (87.5 ± 1.4)% and (83.3 ± 1.6)% respectively. OS and PFS rates of the indolent groups were (93.75 ± 6.25)% and (87.5 ± 8.54)%. CONCLUSION FMD regimen was highly effective with low toxicity in the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, especially indolent B-cell lymphoma. improve theprognosis even in some aggressive lymphoma, such as peripheral T cell lymphoma
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