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2012年国内生产食糖1178.8万t,销售1172.36万t。2012年起,由于市场普遍预期食糖将实现增产,糖价从7500元/t上方一路下跌到6500元/t下方。为稳定国内食糖价格,保护糖农和企业的利益,商务部2012年已先后分3批共收储180万t国家储备糖。但相对廉价的进口食糖也大量涌入国内市场,2012年进口食糖375万t,使得国内食糖市场供给出现过剩,糖价继续下行到5500元/t下方,糖厂利润严重缩水。展望2013年,预计巴西、俄罗斯及澳大利亚产量强劲,而印度、泰国和欧洲食糖产量可能会下降,全球食糖市场很可能会继续供给过剩,预计2013年国际糖价将缺乏有力的上涨动能。2012年全国糖料播种面积同比大幅增长,预计2012/13榨季国内食糖将继续增产,虽然国家有较大规模的收储计划,但预计将不足以改变国内食糖市场的弱势格局,国内糖价仍将承压,2013年国内食糖价格将低位震荡运行的可能较大。 In 2012, the domestic production of sugar was 11.788 million tons and the sales amount was 117.236 million tons. Since 2012, due to the market generally expected to increase sugar production, sugar prices from 7500 yuan / t all the way down to 6500 yuan / t below. In order to stabilize the domestic sugar price and protect the interests of sugar farmers and enterprises, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China has already stored and stored 1.8 million tons of state sugar reserves in three batches in 2012. However, relatively cheap imported sugar influx into the domestic market in 2012, imports of 3.75 million tons of sugar, making the domestic sugar market supply surplus, the price of sugar continued to decline to 5500 yuan / t below, sugar profits have shrunk. Looking ahead to 2013, production in Brazil, Russia and Australia is expected to be strong. However, production of sugar in India, Thailand and Europe may decline. Global sugar market is likely to continue oversupply. The international sugar price is not expected to have strong upward momentum in 2013. In 2012, the area of ​​sugar sown in the country witnessed a year-on-year increase. It is estimated that the domestic sugar production will continue to increase in the 2012/13 crop season. Although the country has a large-scale purchasing and storage plan, it is not expected to change the weak pattern in the domestic sugar market. Will remain under pressure, the domestic sugar prices will be low shock operation in 2013 may be larger.
夜关门(Lespedeza cuneata G.Don.)的有效部位707治疗慢性气管炎有较好的止咳、祛痰和平喘作用。经用溶媒法和层析法分得了七个结晶:山萘酚、槲皮素、牡荆素、荭草素和水杨酸
紫金牛[Ardisia japonica(Hornsted)Blu-me]又名矮地茶,民间用于治疗肺结核等,临床观察证明,紫金牛全草的乙醇可溶(水不溶)部份对肺结核病的治疗效果较佳。此有效部份经硅胶
以分析纯CaCO3、TiO2和CeO2为原料,铈作为铀的模拟元素,通过高温固相反应,在1300℃下保温2 h合成了不同Ce掺量的钙钛矿固化体。采用XRD对固化体进行物相分析,同时使用Rietvel
本文采用水热法,在ZnO中添加In2O3为前驱物,3mol/L KOH作矿化剂,温度430℃,填充度35%,反应24h,制备了掺In的ZnO晶体。未掺杂In2O3合成的纯ZnO晶体呈六棱锥状,显露负极面-c{00
文章介绍雨补水库大坝工程施工导流和导流围堰的设计 ,针对导流隧洞进口高边坡地形条件进行了分析 ,最终设计实施的方案 ,取得了较满意的效果。