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至少晚上十二点了,我躺床上读《我的名字叫红》,枕边的手机猛然响起,我给怵了一下。是弟打过来的,说是爹怕不行了,他要求你赶紧回家,担心见不到最后一面。这个时节恐怕搞不到车票,不是说回就能回的。我说要爹接听电话,磨蹭一会,终于听到他老人家含混不清的声音,想来他没戴假牙,不关风。他说这一次怕是大限到了,冲不过了。我问为什么,他说刚才突然跌倒在屋子里,两脚像棉花条子一样,站不起来,你现在回来,你们回来一起商量后事,一点二点三点,在电话里提出他牵心要解决的问题。他老人家思路还蛮清晰的 At least 12 o’clock at night, I lay in bed to read “My name is red,” the phone on my pillow suddenly sounded, I gave a moment. Is brother hit over, saying that dad fear die, he asked you to hurry home, worried about not seeing the last scene. I am afraid this season will not be able to get tickets, not to say it will be able to return. I said to answer the phone to father, dawdle for a while, and finally hear the vague voice of his elderly, wanted him to wear no dentures, not the wind. He said this time feared that the deadline has passed, but he will not rush. When I asked why, he said that he had just stumbled suddenly in the house. His feet were like cotton sliver. Now you come back and you come back to discuss the funeral affairs. After a little past two or three, I raised his concern on the phone. solved problem. His old man’s idea is quite clear
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黑河市检察官协会成立大会于 7月 11日在黑河市检察院召开。来自市院机关、各县(市 )、区院的 2 7名会员代表选举产生了黑河市检察官协会首届理事会和协会领导成员。黑河市检
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这是在广州到安徽合肥的火车上。当我登上火车,我的背上全部湿透了。而火车上与我邻床的一个农民模样的旅客比我湿得还要厉害。当我看到他时,他的头上冒着股股热气。他一个劲地用一条褪了色的旧毛巾擦汗。可是他刚擦完不久,汗又在他的额头爆出来。  他大概五十多岁,皮肤黧黑粗糙,白色的衬衣皱巴巴的。那张胡子拉碴的脸上有些苦涩。  他坐在我的床位上。床位间的茶几上堆了一个鼓鼓的塑料袋,我的床上也放着一个旧的鼓鼓囊囊