Experimental and theoretical study on field emission properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles decorate

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Field emission properties of zinc oxide(ZnO) nanoparticles(NPs) decorated carbon nanotubes(CNTs) are investigated experimentally and theoretically. CNTs are in situ decorated with ZnO NPs during the growth process by chemical vapor deposition using a carbon source from the iron phthalocyanine pyrolysis. The experimental field emission test shows that the Zn O NP decoration significantly improves the emission current from 50 μA to 275 μA at 550 V and the reduced threshold voltage from 450 V to 350 V. The field emission mechanism of ZnO NPs on CNTs is theoretically studied by the density functional theory(DFT) combined with the Penn–Plummer method. The ZnO NPs reconstruct the Zn O–CNT structure and pull down the surface barrier of the entire emitter system to 0.49 e V so as to reduce the threshold electric field.The simulation results suggest that the presence of ZnO NPs would increase the LDOS near the Fermi level and increase the emission current. The calculation results are consistent with the experiment results. CNTs are in experimentallyally decorated with ZnO NPs during the growth process by chemical vapor deposition using a carbon source from the iron phthalocyanine pyrolysis . The experimental field emission test shows that Zn O NP decoration significantly improves the emission current from 50 μA to 275 μA at 550 V and the reduced threshold voltage from 450 V to 350 V. The field emission mechanism of ZnO NPs on CNTs is theoretically studied by the density functional theory (DFT) combined with the Penn-Plummer method. The ZnO NPs reconstruct the Zn O-CNT structure and pull down the surface barrier of the entire emitter system to 0.49 e V so as to reduce the threshold electric field The simulation results suggest that the presence of ZnO NPs would increase the LDOS near the Fermi level and increase the emission current. The calculation results are cons istent with the experiment results.
1996年,长沙市雨花区消防大队进一步加强队伍的正规化建设和管理,严格官兵的一日生活制度,狠抓了政治教育和业务训练。在年终考核验收中,获支队业务竞赛第二名, In 1996, Yu
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