
来源 :国家航海 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kwatog
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本文主要论述满清入关后顺治皇帝与康熙皇帝的海洋思想。顺治帝由中国的东北入主中原,大概由于这个原因,顺治帝对于海洋持有较为审慎的态度,对盘踞沿海岛屿的郑成功势力采取“迁界”政策,予以削弱。其根本思想是将断绝海上贸易、动摇其经济基础作为强大的武器,从根本上断绝郑成功势力的生命线。从某种意义上说,这种政策也扼住了中国大陆与东亚进行贸易的咽喉。由于中国的制造业在当时的东亚首屈一指,东亚各国极其渴望得到中国的高档手工艺品和丝绸制品。而顺治帝认为,阻断这类商品由大陆输出的通路,可以给郑成功势力的海上贸易活动以致命打击。但这样的措施,同时也给沿海地区的民众带来了经济上的巨大损失。顺治帝之后的康熙帝,采取了与之不同的海洋政策。康熙帝对海洋的认识较有远见,他看到了海洋的价值。在平定台湾的郑氏势力后,康熙帝开始以积极的态度看待民众的海外贸易活动。康熙帝认为,如果对民众正常的海外贸易加以限制,走私者和海盗等地下势力将会给中国社会的稳定带来不利影响。后来的事实证明:由于康熙帝实行推进民众海上活动及海外贸易的政策,中国民众的海上活动呈现出积极和活跃的局面。 This article mainly discusses the ocean thoughts of Shunzhi Emperor and Emperor Kangxi after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs. Shunzhi Emperor was led by the northeast of China to the Central Plains. Probably for this reason, Shunji Emperor held a more cautious attitude towards the oceans and weakened the policy of “relocating” Zheng Chenggong, which is entrenched in the coastal islands. The fundamental idea is to sever maritime trade and shake its economic base as a powerful weapon to fundamentally cut off the lifeline of Zheng Chenggong. In a sense, this policy has also strangled the throat of trade between mainland China and East Asia. As China’s manufacturing industry was second to none in East Asia at the time, all East Asian countries were extremely eager to get high-end handicrafts and silk products from China. However, Shunzhi Di believes that blocking the passage of such commodities from the mainland can be a fatal blow to Zheng Chenggong’s maritime trade activities. However, such measures have also brought huge economic losses to the people in the coastal areas. Emperor Kangxi after Shunzhi Emperor adopted a different marine policy. Emperor Kangxi more foresight on the ocean, he saw the value of the oceans. After settling the Zheng forces in Taiwan, Emperor Kangxi started to take a positive attitude towards the public overseas trade activities. Emperor Kangxi believes that underground forces such as smugglers and pirates will have an adverse impact on the stability of China’s society if the normal foreign trade is restricted. Later facts show that: Due to Kangxi imperialism to carry out the popular sea activities and overseas trade policy, the Chinese public sea activities showed a positive and active situation.
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