Task 5

来源 :疯狂英语·新读写 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanpeihai
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  Teaching your teen to drive is an exciting and highly anticipated celebration of passage that means greater independence lies ahead. It may also be a time of mixed emotions. Many parents look forward to the day when they wont be their teens main source of transportation, but they may also feel anxious about how safe their teen will be behind the wheel.
   New drivers copy driving behaviors they have witnessed for years as passengers. Since they have probably ridden most often with parents, those behaviors are the ones they will imitate. To some parents, this is a somewhat frightening prospect. To make matters worse, teens who integrate risky driving practices into their own behavior do so without the benefit of years of experience and highly developed skills. Before you begin teaching your teen to drive, consider your own driving habits and make a commitment to correct any careless or thoughtless behavior and model good defensive driving practices consistently.
   Another important aspect of teaching new drivers is good communication. Teens tune out lectures, so parents should work on developing a conversational relationship about safe driving with their children. Try to be concise; avoid going off at tangents (突然離题). Ask for your teens opinion on hazards (隐患) in your driving environment. For example, if you see children playing near the street, ask your teen to explain the risks and how to handle them. Although its important to talk about driving risks, avoid horror stories.
   To help your teen understand more about the costs and responsibility of driving, review your insurance policy together, visit your insurance companys website together, or pay a joint visit to your insurance agents office. Explain, or ask your agent to explain the purpose of motor vehicle insurance. Discuss the cost of insurance and how the cost of your policy might increase or decrease. Ask your insurance agent whether a driver education course will result in a discount. Find out how much your insurance premium will increase after a single ticket or crash.
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