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今天,我们班的同学邹战和蔡睿阳要给大家上课了。你一定在疑惑,他们为什么要上课呢?这可得感谢他们的嘴巴,那张在科学课上说个不停的嘴巴。“丁零零——”上课铃响了。我欣喜若狂地走进教室,幸灾乐祸地等着邹老师和蔡老师来上课。今天的课是要学习《我们知道的磁铁》。首先,科学老师作了 Today, our classmates Zou Zhan and Cai Rui Yang give everyone a class. You must be puzzled, why do they have to go to class? Thanks to their mouth, that nonsense in the science class. “Ding zero - ” class rang. I am ecstatic into the classroom, gloating waiting for Zou teacher and teacher Cai to class. Today’s lesson is to learn “the magnet we know.” First, the science teacher did
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Using the related formula of dynamic black hole, we have calculated the instantaneous radiation energy density of the slowly changing dynamic Kerr-Newman black