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高职院校家庭经济困难学生属于高校学生里的特殊群体,学校对该群体的教育及管理应持续加强。对家庭经济困难的学生给予一定程度的资助,是国家所推行的绿色通道政策,是国家及人民极为关注的惠民政策,同时也是高校重要的教育任务。但是,因高职院校家庭经济困难学生存在诸多问题,这也使得家庭经济困难学生资助体系有很多不足。家庭经济困难学生资助教育工作的重要性,主要是确保教育公平、公正及确保社会和谐,基于高职院校家庭经济困难学生教育管理及资助工作中所存在的问题,探析家庭经济困难学生教育及管理问题,并提出高职家庭经济困难学生资助体系构建策略,以期提升国内高职家庭经济困难学生教育管理水平,加强其资助体系构建。 Family financially disadvantaged students in higher vocational colleges belong to special groups of students in colleges and universities, and the education and management of the groups at the schools should be continuously strengthened. The granting of a certain degree of financial support to students with financial difficulties in the family is a green channel promoted by the state and a policy of benefiting the people which is of great concern to the country and the people and is also an important educational task for colleges and universities. However, due to many problems of students with financial difficulties in families in higher vocational colleges, there are also many deficiencies in the system of student financial aid to families with financial difficulties. The importance of subsidized education for students with financial difficulties in the family is mainly to ensure fairness and justice in education and ensure social harmony. Based on the existing problems in the management and funding of educational and financial support for students from economically disadvantaged families in higher vocational colleges, Management problems, and put forward a higher vocational education system for families with financial difficulties strategy, with a view to raising the domestic higher vocational education of poor students in financial management, to strengthen its funding system.
第35号 《危险化学品登记管理办法》已经国家经济贸易委员会主任办公会议审议通过,现予公布,自2002年11月15日起施行。 国家经济贸易委员会主任 李荣融 二OO二年十月八日 N
1.引言本计划要求研究并实现高功率S波段射频调制正交场放大管。为达此目标,本计划任务分为两部分:前向波器件实验和返向波正交场放大管研究。 2.第一项任务:前向波器件实验
据中国科技信息研究所 1 998年《中国科技期刊引证报告》(扩刊版 )统计 ,西北农业大学 1 998年在所统计的 1 2 86种科技期刊中共发表科技论文 3 1 0篇 ,在全国高校中位居第75
英特尔在六月份发布的815芯片组,是一款即具有整合性又支持独立性的主板的新产品,到底它有什么优点和特殊功能,又会给我们带来什么样的新的技术规范,请看我们下面的报道。 I