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要把优势特色产业作为工业强省的支撑,就需要潜在的资源优势为现实的经济优势——我省具有丰富的自然资源,尤以水能、天然气、钒钛磁铁矿、稀土等著称于世,依托资源优势,经过多年的建设和发展建立了相当规模和一定水平的资源型产业体系。便从总体上看,资源优势尚未得到较好发挥。突出表现在:产业链条短,终端产品弱,最终产品少,附加价值低,自主创新不够,新产品开发滞后,产业集群发展缓慢,浪费资源,污染环境、破坏生态的情况比较严重。因此必须通过发展和改革逐步加以解决和克服。随着全球化的深入发展,经济一体化加速推进,在获得充分利用两种资源、两个市场便利的同时,我省产业发展将面临更加激烈的挑战和竞争。以高油价时代的到来为标志,资源短缺对经济增长的制约日益突出,掌握了资源就掌据了竞争的先机。国家西部大开发政策的调整,使我省优势特色产业的发展面临新的机遇。在这样的形势和背景下,必须充分发挥我省的资源优势,按照走新型工业化道路的要求,加快结构调整和产业升级,使优势资源产业成为四川终济可持续发展的重要支撑。一言以蔽,就是进一步突出区域和产业发展的“重中之重”,实施非均衡协调发展战略。非均衡协调发展战略既强调重点优先发展,又注重整体适度跟进,兼顾空间公平,强调总体效率优先。其实质是适度倾斜的协调发展模式。具体说来,在现有发展能力如资本、技术、人才等资源有限的情况下,由于各地资源状况、经济发展水平、产业发展条件差距较大,发展优势资源产业不能齐头并进,必须选择对全局有重要影响的重点地区、重点产业实施适度倾斜的优先发展战略。首先应以比较优势理论和“价值链”理论为指导,进一步突出优势,强化特色,进一步明确优势资源产业发展的重点取向,确立“重中之重”。在重点支持发展的产业和地区内部,还要进一步突出最具特色、最具优势,能尽快做强做大形成核心竞争力的重点领域。其次,要研究实施促进资源优势尽快转化为产业优势、竞争优势的产业扶持政策,实行产业倾斜政策区域化,区域倾 To take advantage of advantageous industries as a strong industrial province to support, you need potential resource advantages for the actual economic advantages - the province has a wealth of natural resources, especially water, natural gas, vanadium-titanium magnetite, rare earth known In the world, relying on its advantages in resources, after years of construction and development, a resource-based industrial system with a considerable scale and a certain level has been established. In general, the resource advantages have not yet been given a better play. Outstanding performance is: the industrial chain is short, the end product is weak, the final product is less, the added value is low, insufficient independent innovation, new product development lags behind, the slow development of industrial clusters, wasting resources, polluting the environment and damaging the ecology are more serious. It must therefore be gradually resolved and overcome through development and reform. With the deepening of globalization and the acceleration of economic integration, while making full use of both resources and facilities in both markets, the industrial development in our province will face even more intense challenges and competition. With the advent of the era of high oil prices as a sign, the shortage of resources has become more and more restrictive to economic growth, and resources have taken the lead in competition. The adjustment of the western development policy of our country faces the new opportunities for the development of our advantageous industries. Under such circumstances and circumstances, we must give full play to our province’s resource advantages and speed up structural adjustment and industrial upgrading according to the requirements of a new road to industrialization so that the advantageous resources and resources industry will become an important support for the sustainable development of Sichuan’s economy. To put it in one word, it is to “give top priority to further highlighting the development of the region and the industry” and to implement a strategy of non-balanced and coordinated development. The non-balanced and coordinated development strategy not only emphasizes the priority development, but also focuses on the overall proper follow-up, giving consideration to the fairness of space and emphasizing that the overall efficiency is prioritized. Its essence is modestly inclined coordinated development mode. Specifically, given the limited resources available for development, such as capital, technology and human resources, due to the wide disparities in resources, the level of economic development and the conditions for industrial development in various parts of the country, the development of advantageous resource industries can not go hand in hand, Important areas of major impact, key industries to implement a modest tilt of the priority development strategy. First of all, we should take comparative advantage theory and “value chain” theory as guidance, further highlight advantages and strengthen features, and further clarify the key orientation of the development of advantageous resources and industries so as to establish the “top priority.” In key industries and regions that support development, we must further highlight the key areas that are most unique, have the most advantages, and can form their core competitiveness as soon as possible. Second, we must study and implement industrial support policies that promote the transformation of resource advantages into industrial advantages and competitive advantages as soon as possible, and implement regionalization of industrial tilt policies and regional