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在党的十九大上,习近平总书记庄严宣告:中国特色社会主义进入了新时代。新时代要有新气象,更要有新作为。作为工会财务工作者要认真学习党的十九大精神,深刻领会十九大提出的新论断、新目标、新任务,坚持学以致用、用以促学,以学习贯彻促进工作、以工作实绩检验学习成效。工会财务工作者应深入到工会基层组织和职工群众中,做好调查研究,通过工会财务管理改革创新,切实做好新时期工会财务工作。一、调查研究工作溯源(一)调查研究是我党的优良作风无论在革命建设时期,还是在改革开放大潮中,中国共产党人都是通过调查研究的生动实践,赢得了一次又一次的伟大胜利。习近平总书记强调:“调查研究是谋事之基、成事之道。没有调查,就没有发言权,更 At the party’s 19th National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared: Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The new era requires a new atmosphere, but more new things to do. As a trade union financial worker, we must conscientiously study the 19th CPC National Congress’s spirit, profoundly understand the new thesis, new goals and new tasks proposed by the 19th CPC National Congress, persist in using it for practical purposes, promote learning, and study and carry out the task of promoting the work. Test learning effectiveness. Trade union financial workers should go deep into the grassroots organizations of the trade unions and the masses of workers and workers to do a good job in investigation and study, and do a good job in the financial work of trade unions through the reform and innovation of the financial management of trade unions. I. SURVEY OF INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH A. Investigation and Research Are the Fine Work Style of Our Party Chinese Communists have won great victories again and again through the vivid practice of investigation and research, both during the period of revolutionary construction and during the tide of reform and opening up . General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: ”Investigation and investigation are the basis for seeking a job and the way to accomplish things. Without an investigation, there will be no right to speak and more
作为中医“四大经典”著作之一的《伤寒论》 ,开创了理、法、方、药系统的辨证论治先河 ,因而古今国内外治伤寒学者对其研究者众多 ,各有所见。然而对《伤寒论》中六经与六病
<正> 在贵州苗族西部区信奉基督教的苗胞中,至今仍保持着一种以老苗文字母为唱名的歌谱(可简称“苗谱”)。它已七、八十年的历史,与老苗文一样,是1905—1915年间,苗族知识分
聚合物多孔整体材料(Porous polymer monolith)是一类具有一定形状的多孔材料,因具有密度低、比表面积大、孔隙率高、质量传递效率佳、易化学改性等优点,在色谱分离、吸附、