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《语文课程标准》明确指出:“阅读是学生的个性化行为,不应该以教师的分析来代替学生的阅读。”教师要善于挖掘生活经验,要注重培养学生的独立阅读能力,必须把足够的时间留给学生,激活学生思维,引起彼此感情的激荡,碰出智慧的火花。一、为学生阅读创设良好的情感氛围阅读情感是作者的主观感情和作者渗透在作品中的感情的双向交流,彼此碰撞而产生阅读“内驱力”。我教《在山的那一边》时,让学生带着感情反复朗读,并且分几遍读,说出自己的感受。有的学生读第一遍时感觉惆怅、失落,读第二遍好像不一样了,有对山的那一边的憧憬和向往,读第三遍时,恍然大悟:妈妈说 “Chinese Curriculum Standard” clearly states: “Reading is the individual behavior of the student and should not be replaced by the analysis of the teacher.” “Teachers should be good at digging life experience and pay attention to cultivating their independent reading ability. Enough time for the students to activate student thinking, causing emotional stir, touch the spark of wisdom. First, create a good emotional atmosphere for students to read Reading emotion is the two-way communication between the author’s subjective feelings and the feelings of the author infiltrated in the works, colliding with each other to produce reading ”driving force.“ When I teach ”on the other side of the mountain," I ask students to read aloud again and again with feelings and read them several times to express their feelings. Some students feel melancholy when reading the first pass, lost, read the second time seems not the same, there is a vision and longing for the side of the mountain, read the third time, suddenly realized: Mom said
随着新课改的提出培养学生的逻辑思维能力逐渐被大家重视。本文主要从改变学生的思维方式,思维品质教学,情景设置三个方面结合高中数学的教学实际情况作出以下几点分析。 Wi
从我国企业国际化所呈现出的多层次多样性特征来看,可适应不同所有制性质和不同发展水平的国家,这使得中国企业在国际化区位选择方面呈现出多元化格局。但在这种日益多 Acco
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我们需要教学模式,但不能“教学模式化”。教学活动是一种创造性的劳动,每一个教师有自身的教学个性,他们有选择和活用各种教学模式的自 We need teaching mode, but not “
A fast and accurate numerical method for solving the two dimensional Reynolds aveaged Navier Stokes is applied to calculate the internal fluid of turbines and c
【摘要】本文从教师进行情感教学,创设问题情节,营造和谐课堂氛围、引导学生的学习方式的创新,实施“分层次教学”、拓展课堂教学等方面对学生进行自主学习进行了探索。  【关键词】情感 情节 兴趣 自主学习  【中图分类号】G421  【文献标识码】A  【文章编号】1006-5962(2012)08(a)-0086-01  新课标要求教师要引导并教会学生自主学习。因为每一个学生都,学习是学生独特个性的个