
来源 :中国中药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:victorcaijun
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对重庆市仙女山昆明山海棠从种子雨及土壤种子库动态进行了研究。结果表明,昆明山海棠的成熟种子年内分布数量以10月最多,种子雨散落从9月下旬到11上旬,散落高峰期集中在10月份,千粒重最重期、生活力最高期也出现在10月份。土壤种子库以距灌丛中心2~5 m分布最多,主要集中在1.5~3.5 m。土壤种子库主要分布枯枝落叶层,种子寿命较短。昆明山海棠种子以风为外力进行传播,其传播能力较强,但在自然繁衍过程,成熟饱满种子率较低、土壤种子库种子种子寿命不长等因素严重影响昆明山海棠种群更新。 The dynamic changes of seed rain and soil seed bank were studied in Xiannong Mountain, Kunming, China. The results showed that the number of mature seeds of Begonia tuberosus in Kunming during the year was the highest in October, and the seed rain was scattered from late September to early November. The peak of scattered season was concentrated in October and the 1000-grain weight was the heaviest. The highest peak of vitality also appeared in October . The soil seed bank distributed most from 2 to 5 m from the shrub center, mainly concentrated in 1.5 ~ 3.5 m. The soil seed bank mainly distributes the litter layer, and the seed life is short. Kunming Begonia seed propagation with wind as external force, its ability to spread strong, but in the natural process of reproduction, mature full seed rate is low, soil seed bank seed life is not long and other factors seriously affect the population of Begonia Kunming population updates.
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目的:精胺氧化酶(spermine oxidase,SMO)是一种参与多胺降解代谢的胺氧化酶,其表达异常与包括肿瘤在内的多种疾病的发生发展密切相关,由此成为抗肿瘤治疗新的分子靶点。本研究的目
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