油柑袋泡剂是以油柑为主要原料制成袋泡状的一种纯中药制剂,具有良好的降血压、降脂减肥等作用。油柑来源丰富,油柑袋泡剂制作简单,服用携带方便。现介绍如下。1 药物组成及来源 鲜油柑果100kg,山楂5kg,甘草2.5kg。油柑系闽南地产,为大戟科植物Phyllamthus emblica L.的成熟果实,山楂、甘草由南安医药公司购进。2 制备2.1 选干净饱满无果柄及叶片的鲜油柑果,用木棍击打(避免鲜油柑果与铁器接触,因鲜油柑果含有大量鞣质和维生素C),破碎晒干后置入粉碎机中粉碎成粗颗粒,颗粒
The kumquat sachet is a kind of pure Chinese medicine made from kumquat as the main raw material, which has the functions of lowering blood pressure, reducing fat and losing weight. Rich source of kumquat, kumquat sachet making simple, easy to take and carry. Now introduced as follows. A drug composition and source of fresh orange fruit 100kg, hawthorn 5kg, licorice 2.5kg. Oil orange is the southern Fujian real estate, Euphorbiaceae Phyllamthus emblica L. ripe fruit, hawthorn, licorice Nanan pharmaceutical company purchased. 2 Preparation 2.1 Select a clean, full of non-stalked leaves and fresh kiwifruit, hit with a wooden stick (to avoid the fresh kumquat and iron contact, because the fresh orange kumquat contains a lot of tannin and vitamin C), broken and dried Into a crusher smash into coarse particles, particles