Anti-Dumping Action

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  China has initiated anti-dumping duties against imports of toluidine originating from the European Union (EU) as of June 28. This is the second recent case of China initiating anti-dumping duties against EU products. After the EU levied provisional anti-dumping duties against Chinese solar panels, China responded with anti-dumping and countervailing duties against imports of EU wine.
  According to the Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM), the anti-dumping duty rates for toluidine will remain 19.6 percent for the German firm Lanxess Deutschland GmbH and 36.9 percent from all other EU companies. The duties will be in effect for five years.
  Toluidine is an organic chemical widely used in dyes, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. In 2011, China imported 13,589.55 tons of toluidine from the EU, accounting for 16.07 percent of the total market volume in the country.
  Industrial insiders believe this latest move is a clear indication that the trade spat between China and the EU is seeing little progress. They say the duties on toluidine are undoubtedly another response to the EU’s anti-dumping investigation against Chinese solar panels in order to increase its bargaining power during trade negotiations.
   Not retaliatory
  The MOFCOM says that the toluidine duties are not reactionary in nature but came at the behest of Chinese companies. Because the in- vestigation was made at the request of Jiangsu Huaihe Chemicals Co. Ltd. back on May 2, 2012, there is no causal relationship with the EU’s duties against Chinese solar panels.
  In February, investigators released a preliminary report stating that toluidine was being dumped in the Chinese market, substantially damaging China’s domestic industries.
  According to the MOFCOM statement, during the investigation period, the apparent consumption volume of toluidine in the Chinese market kept growing, and the production capacity of Chinese producers remained unchanged. However, the sharp increase of toluidine imports from the EU forced Chinese products that use the chemical to lower their prices. Investigators found that the average selling price of EU-produced toluidine in the home market was $1,977.5 per ton, while in China it was significantly lower at $1,548.99 per ton.
  In 2010 and 2011, toluidine prices in the Chinese market rose by 3.8 percent and 6.31 percent respectively, but Chinese toluidine producers suffered a decline in profits and investment returns during those two years because of cheaper imported EU toluidine. In 2011 in particular, Chinese toluidine producers suffered tremendous losses, resulting in a decline of the average worker’s salary in the industry.    Trade war unlikely
  A CNN report on June 27 stated that China’s action against EU-made toluidine products is“the latest salvo in a growing dispute between the key trading partners.” An AFP report on the same day described the action as “the latest twist in a series of bitter trade disputes between the two economic giants.”
  Two weeks before China began to collect anti-dumping duties against EU-made toluidine, the EU issued a Commission Implementing Decision 2013/287/EU, administrating stricter measures regarding unauthorized genetically modified rice in rice products originating from China. Rice products exported by China will then face the strictest inspection process in the history of the EU.
  The EU is China’s second largest export destination of foodstuff and farm produce. According to the June 14 decision, any consignment of rice products unaccompanied by a health certificate and required analytical report shall be re-dispatched to the country of origin or destroyed.
  Solar panels, seamless steel tubes and pipes, wine, toluidine and rice products have become the objects of trade frictions between China and the EU in recent months. Could a trade war between the two major trading partners break out?
  Zhang Yujing, President of China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, thinks there won’t be a trade war between China and the EU. China is the EU’s second biggest trading partner behind the United States, and the EU is China’s biggest market. In 2012, China exported 290 billion euros worth of products to the EU and the latter sold 144 billion euros worth of goods to China.
  With a growing trade volume between the two, disputes are inevitable, experts say. A trade war, however, would be costly for both sides. Analysts say China doesn’t want to lose out in its trade with the EU but will call the EU out on its protectionist behavior, which explains the toluidine duties. China calls the latest duty a warning, not a sanction.
  European Commissioner for Trade Karel De Gucht seems biased against China: Despite the objections of 14 EU member states, he still decided to impose anti-dumping duties on Chinese solar panels. Karel De Gucht, a Belgian, may have to respond to China’s investigations into EU toluidine because China receives most of the chemical from Belgium.
  Zhang said that both China and the EU should be sober-minded throughout these trade disputes. The European Commission can decide to collect punitive tariffs up to six months on any product, but beyond that period it must obtain the support of a majority of EU nations. He believes China and the EU can ultimately find the appropriate solutions to settle their growing trade spats.
   Dumping of EU Toluidine in Chinese Market
  China’s imports of toluidine from the EU stood at 4,514.58 tons in 2008, 7,502.42 tons in 2009, 20,201.79 tons in 2010 and 13,589.55 tons in 2011.
  The market share of EU-produced toluidine in China was 7.51 percent in 2008, 11.53 percent in 2009, 24.18 percent in 2010 and 16.07 percent in 2011.
  The number of employees in China’s toluidine industry dropped by 1.88 percent in 2009, by 8.9 percent in 2010 and rose by 3.46 percent in 2011.
  The investment returns rate of China’s toluidine industry dropped by 0.42 percentage points in 2009, by 0.66 percentage points in 2010 and fell by 4.45 percentage points in the negative in 2011.
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