
来源 :石窟寺研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikesh123
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本文是陕西省麟游县的两处佛教艺术遗迹考古调查简报。麟游蔡家河摩崖造像共有22龛,可分为三个阶段。第一阶段的龛像雕造于初唐时期的七世纪下半叶,造像题材有弥勒佛、药师佛、佛与文殊骑狮、普贤骑象并昆仑奴,还有西方三圣像与单身的菩萨与坐佛像等。在造像风格方面主要表现为唐高宗时期的特点。第二阶段龛像约造于七世纪末期的武周时期至八世纪初的唐玄宗执政初期,主要是在第一阶段完成以后的崖面插空补凿。造像题材有弥勒佛与二弟子、西方三圣像、一佛二弟子像,以及可能的释迦与多宝佛并立、单身的立佛与立菩萨像等,主要表现唐武周时期的图相特点。第三阶段龛像约造于唐代至北宋,题材有地藏菩萨与毗沙门天王等。蔡家河摩崖造像既表现唐宋时代特色,也有麟游的地方风格。喇嘛帽山的千佛院是麟游地区的另一处重要的佛教遗迹,本文旨在系统地报导千佛院的五处佛教遗迹。它们包括第2号窟唐高宗时期的三坐佛像,中唐时代的八世纪晚期相继雕凿的第4号千佛壁主龛像与第3号大龛的等身立佛像,北宋开凿的第1号龛、第5号的二小龛、第4号千佛壁主龛之外的麟游地方风格浓厚的众小千佛像。这些窟龛造像为我们研究初唐至中唐、北宋时期关中一带的佛教艺术发展提供了难得的实物资料。 This article is an archaeological survey of two Buddhist art sites in Linyou County, Shaanxi Province. Lin tourism Caijiahe Cliff statues a total of 22 niches, can be divided into three stages. The first stage of the sculptures was carved in the second half of the seventh century during the early Tang Dynasty. The statues of the statues were Maitreya Buddha, Pharaoh Buddha, Buddha and Manjusri, Lionel Messi and Kunlun Slaves, as well as Western Three Icons and Single Buddha and sitting Buddha and so on. In the style of the statue, it mainly shows the characteristics of Tang Dynasty. The second stage of the sculptures was built at the beginning of the Tang Xuanzong reign from the Wu period to the early eighties of the end of the seventh century, mainly after the completion of the first stage. The theme of the statues is Maitreya Buddha and his two disciples, the Three Western Statues, the Two Buddha Statues and Two Disciples, as well as the possible Shakyamuni Buddha statue and the Lopudon statue, which mainly show the characteristics of Tang Wu and Zhou periods. The third stage of the niche is about made in the Tang Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, the theme of possession of Bodhisattva and Pisanmen king. Caijiahe Cliff statues not only show the characteristics of the Tang and Song Dynasties, but also Linyou local style. The Thousand Buddha House in Lamangan Mountain is another important Buddhist site in the Linyou area. The purpose of this article is to systematically report on five Buddhist sites in the Thousand Buddhas Monastery. They include the three seated Buddha images in the high cave period of the No.2 Cave in the Tang Dynasty, the statues of Thousand-Buddha Wall Temple No. 4 and the No.3 Grand Shrine carved statues successively carved in the late eighth century in the Middle Tang Dynasty, No. 1 The niche, the second small niche No. 5, the fourth small Buddhist goddess outside the Linyou local style of the dense minority of the Buddha statues. These niches and statues provide rare physical material for the study of Buddhist art from the early Tang Dynasty to the middle Tang Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty.