
来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangwenhuai
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加快实现经济增长方式的转变,提高我省乡镇企业的整体素质,已成为“九五”期间我省乡镇企业发展的主要课题。改革开放17年来,特别是“八五”期间,我省乡镇企业发展很快,已经具备了相当的经济规模和发展基础。然而,综观我省乡镇企业,其经济增长方式仍然是粗放型,主要表现在以下几个方面:一、资金投入粗放,投向优化度低。据调查,“八五”期间,各地新上项目所占的资金比重在2/3以上,技改资金不足1/3。由于激励政策的倾斜,有的地方的领导忙于铺摊子、跑项目,搞了许多低水平的重复投入,匆匆上马,效益很差。有的地方甚至出现了半拉子工程,已投入的钱变成了死钱,进退两难。二、产品结构粗放,质量差,档次低。我省乡镇企业中高科技、高质量、高效益、高创汇企业少,产业、产品结构不合理,名优产品、高附加 To speed up the transformation of the mode of economic growth and improve the overall quality of township and village enterprises in our province has become a major issue for the development of township and village enterprises in our province during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period. During the 17 years since the reform and opening up, especially during the “1985” period, the township and village enterprises in our province have developed rapidly and already have considerable economic scale and foundation for their development. However, a comprehensive survey of township and village enterprises in our province, the economic growth mode is still extensive, mainly in the following areas: First, the extensive investment in capital, invest low optimization. According to the survey, during the “85” period, the proportion of new projects in various places accounted for more than 2/3 of the total funds and less than one-third of the funds for technological upgrading. Due to the tilt of incentive policies, some local leaders are busy with running stalls and running projects and engaged in many low-level redundant investments. In some places, there even appeared the project of the semi-lazers. The money that has been put into money has become a dead money, and there is a dilemma. Second, extensive product structure, poor quality, low grade. Township enterprises in our province in high-tech, high-quality, high efficiency, high foreign exchange earnings less business, industry, product structure is irrational, famous products, high-added
一九七九年四月二日到六日在西德亚琛大学(RWTH,Aachen)召开了第三届国际地力学数值法会议(The 3rd lnternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics). 大
爸爸坐在公园长椅上专心致志地看报纸,在一旁玩耍的儿子 忽然指着天空说:“爸爸,飞机!”   爸爸头也不抬,漫不经心地说:“小心一点,不要用手去摸! ”
古老而时尚的“抹茶”  抹茶,即绿茶的粉末,一般经石磨细细研磨而制成。其实,抹茶(Matcha)并不是一种舶来品,中国古人自早就有“吃茶”的习惯。抹茶源于中国隋朝,兴起于唐朝,鼎盛于宋朝,至今已有一千多年的历史。早在唐朝年间,人们就发明了蒸青散茶(碾茶),还审订了评茶色香味的方法,并成为人们不可或缺的日常饮料。“碧云引风吹不断,白花浮光凝碗面”,是唐代诗人卢仝对抹茶的赞美,诗句中对抹茶泡沫的形状、
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针对某660 MW四角切圆燃烧煤粉炉炉膛结渣严重的问题,依据实际燃用煤种,通过分析和燃烧调整,减轻了炉膛结渣,提高锅炉运行的安全性和经济性。增加主燃区氧量、提高一次风速、