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1979—1985年,对苏北地区麦田主要恶性杂草幼苗的生态习性进行了研究,猪殃殃,麦家公,野燕麦、大巢菜等种子的最适发芽温度分别为10℃、10—15℃、15℃、20℃;种子发芽起点温度分别为1.10±0.29、-0.46±1.29、0.06±3.09和3.54±2.42℃,均低于小麦的起点发芽温度(1—2℃)。种子发芽有效积温分别为87.04±2.54(℃)、133.70±16.53(℃)、84.24±15.87(℃)和58.66±10.91(℃),均高于小麦种子发芽的有效积温(50℃)。田间调查,猪殃殃等麦田杂草出苗,幼苗生长对温度及历期的要求与播种期关系极密切,一般比小麦迟出苗1—8天,但出土后的生长势很快超过小麦,且有播期不同而分批出土为害的习性。用苯达松防除猪殃殃;用野麦畏,苯达松防除麦家公;用野麦畏、禾草灵、野燕枯防除野燕麦;用苯氧乙酸类除草剂防除大巢菜等阔叶杂草,并将其消灭在苗期阶段,可取得显著的灭草增产效果。 From 1979 to 1985, the ecological habits of the main weedy seedlings in wheat field in Northern Jiangsu Province were studied. The optimum germination temperature of the seeds of Galium aparine, Mai jiagong, wild oats and large vetch were 10 ℃ and 10- 15 ℃ and 20 ℃ respectively. The starting temperature of seed germination was 1.10 ± 0.29, -0.46 ± 1.29, 0.06 ± 3.09 and 3.54 ± 2.42 ℃, respectively, which were lower than the starting temperature of wheat germination (1-2 ℃). The effective accumulated temperature of seed germination were 87.04 ± 2.54 ℃, 133.70 ± 16.53 ℃, 84.24 ± 15.87 ℃ and 58.66 ± 10.91 ℃, respectively, which were all higher than the effective accumulated temperature (50 ℃) of germination of wheat seeds. Field investigation, Galium aparine and other weeds emergence in wheat field, the seedling growth temperature and duration requirements and the sowing period is very close, generally 1-8 days later than wheat emergence, but the growth potential soon after excavated wheat, and Have different sowing date unearthed habits. Use bentazon to control the pigs’ calamus; Wild wheat weeds and bentazon to control the wheat; Wild weeds to prevent the wild weeds from using the wild weeds, Weeds, and its elimination in the seedling stage, can be significant to increase the effect of weeds.
柠条种子小蜂[Bruchophagus neoc-araganae(Liao)]属于膜翅目广肩小蜂科。危害柠条种子。柠条是固沙造林、水土保持的优良灌木树种。又是营养丰富的牲畜饲料,在内蒙古伊克昭
蕃茄晚疫病(Phytophthora infestans (Mont)de Bafy)是蕃茄生产上的重要病害,主要危害蕃茄叶片和果实,在环境条件适合时,也危害叶柄与茎干。发病严重时,成片植株叶片萎蔫下垂
白星花金龟Potosia(Liocola)brevitarsis Lewis近年来为害玉米较严重,作者于1983-1985年对该虫进行了初步观察。此虫在天津地区每年发生一代,以老熟成虫越冬。各虫态平均历
豆荚野螟Maruca testulalis Geyer属于鳞翅目螟蛾科,是豆科作物害虫,主要为害绿豆、菜豆、扁豆(当地称茶豆角)、大豆、花生、柽麻等。掘调查,绿豆植株被害率100%,花蕾最高脱
多异瓢虫Adonia variegata Goeze主要捕食蚜虫,在田间取食时间长,是一种很有利用价值的天敌.为了开展综合防治,发挥瓢虫对蚜虫的控制作用,我们于1981—1982年在乌鲁木齐地区
一、名称中名:松褐天牛、松墨天牛、松天牛。学名:Monochamus alternatus Hope异名:Monochamus tgssevula英名:pine longicorn bcetle;Pine sawer二、分布国内分布于河北、