民航是“窗口”行业,为旅客、货主提供服务是民航最经常、最大量的实践活动。民航又有辐射速度快、社会影响大、旅客要求高的行业特点,因此,我们应把加强精神文明建设放到更加突出的地位,以建设“一流民航”为己任。 近年来,我们不断加大精神文明建设力度,坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”,深入学习邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论和党的路线、方针、政策,党员、干部的理论素养和党性修养得以提高;努力加强和改进思想政治工作,深入开展爱国主义、集体主义、社
Civil Aviation is a “window” industry. Providing services to passengers and cargo owners is the most frequent and largest practice of civil aviation. Civil Aviation has another industry characteristic of high radiation speed, great social impact and high passenger demand. Therefore, we should put more emphasis on the building of spiritual civilization and take “first-class civil aviation” as our responsibility. In recent years, we have been stepping up efforts in the building of spiritual civilization. We have always adhered to the principle of “using both hands and both hands hard” to study Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and the party’s line, principles, policies, theoretical accomplishments and party spirit of party members and cadres Improve their accomplishments; work hard to strengthen and improve their ideological and political work, carry out further patriotism, collectivism and socialism