Oxygen cyclotron harmonic waves observed using Van Allen Probes

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenfei87827
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Fine structured multiple-harmonic electromagnetic emissions at frequencies around the equatorial oxygen cyclotron harmonics are observed by Van Allen Probe A outside the core plasmasphere(L~5) off the magnetic equator(MLAT~.7.5°)during a geomagnetic storm. We find that the multiple-harmonic emissions have power spectrum density(PSD) peaks during 2–8equatorial oxygen gyroharmonics( f ~ n fO+, n=2–8), while the fundamental mode(n=1) is absent, implying that the harmonic waves are generated near the equator and propagate into the observation region. Additionally, these electromagnetic emissions are linearly polarized. Different from the equatorial noise emission that propagates considerably obliquely, these emissions have moderate wave normal angles(approximately 40°–60°), which predominately increase as the harmonic number increases.Considering their frequency and wave normal angle characteristics, it is suggested that these multiple-harmonic emissions play an important role in the dynamic variation of radiation belt electrons. Fine structured multiple-harmonic electromagnetic emissions at frequencies around the equatorial oxygen cyclotron harmonics are observed by Van Allen Probe A outside the core plasmasphere (L ~ 5) off the magnetic equator (MLAT ~ .7.5 °) during a geomagnetic storm. the multiple-harmonic emissions have power spectrum density (PSD) peaks during 2-8equatorial oxygen gyroharmonics (f ~ n fO +, n = 2-8), while the fundamental mode (n = 1) is absent, implying that the harmonic waves are generated from the equator and propagate into the observation region. Different from the equatorial noise emission that propagates considerably obliquely, these emissions have moderate wave normal angles (approximately 40 ° -60 °), which predominately increase as the harmonic number increases.Considering their frequency and wave normal angle characteristics, it is suggested that these multiple-harmonic emissions play an important role in the dynamic variation of radiation belt electrons.
【中图分类号】G623.2【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)10-0048-01  《语文课程标准》明确规定,在阅读教学中,教师不应该代替学生进行阅读实践,而是由学生自行积极主动地参与阅读,是他们在丰富的思维情感活动中,加深对阅读的理解,培养自己切身的感悟和思考能力,从而熏陶自己的情感,获得审美的乐趣。这也就证明,落实教学阅读中学生主体性地位显得尤为重要,所以广大教师就必
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