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现阶段的化学教学里,尤其是高中阶段,出现了一定程度的“学困生”。这部分化学学习困难的学生成绩多数偏差,但却并不是因为认知、思维的缺陷造成的,还有的能够在其他领域获得很优异的成绩。可是在化学学科的学习中却水平极低、效能感和积极性差,无法达到这个阶段学科学习一般标准。本研究以高中化学“学困生”为切入点,分析发展特点、外部条件因素、学习动机等可能的成因,力图改变这些学生现有的化学困境,平衡其学科学习能力。 At this stage of chemistry teaching, especially in the high school stage, there has been a certain degree of “poor students learning”. This part of the chemistry learning difficulties students scores most deviation, but not because of cognitive, thinking defects caused, and others can obtain very good results in other areas. However, in the study of chemistry, but the level is very low, the sense of efficacy and enthusiasm, can not reach the general standard of discipline learning at this stage. In this study, the possible causes of developmental characteristics, external conditions and motivation of learning are analyzed in order to change the existing chemical predicament of these students and balance their academic learning ability.
We sought to investigate the effects of telmisartan on high-fat diet-induced hypertension and to explore the possible underlying mechanisms.Rats receiving high-
计算机与现代化1995年总目录计算机与现代化1995年总目录... Computer and modernization of 1995 general directory of computer and modernization in 1995 ...
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Palfinger 将一款有四个性能级别的新型卷扬绞盘投放市场,其起升能力分别为1.5、2.5、3.5及4.5t。绞盘配备有柱塞液压马达,可承载起重机的全系统压力。 Palfinger 指出:“这在很大
目的 分析总结氩离子激光治疗黄斑裂孔的疗效。方法 采用氩绿激光治疗 36例 36眼黄斑裂孔 ,其中 13眼为玻璃体切割气液交换术后的补充光凝 ;治疗后观察裂孔封闭情况及比较