e化办公 外设也要上网

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互连网时代, PC上网是天经地义的,手机在诺基亚、爱立信等手机巨头的力推之下走上了漫漫上网路, WAP手机可以上网炒股、收发 email等,就在 WAP手机上网成为“注意力经济”时,外设已经悄悄地作出了上网的第一次尝试——  上网已是人们工作、生活的一部分,然而您的办公室除了电脑外,还有一些外围设备,如打印机、扫描仪等,如何在 Internet基础平台上充分利用好这些外围设备,提高工作效率,已是 e化办公时代急待要解决的问题——外设如何上网?   Internet相关技术和标准的日趋完善,为外设上网创造了条件。   接口标准的规范化使得外设上网更为可能   长期以来,鼠标、外置 Modem等通过串口连接,打印机、打描仪等外设用并口连接。然而目前计算机市场上一种叫做 USB的接口技术热起来了,基于 USB设备的产品也逐渐增加。 USB即通用串行总线,它是一种可以同时处理计算机与多种具有 USB接口的外设之间通信的电缆总线,这些连接到计算机上的外设共同分享 USB的带宽, USB的分时处理机制真正在硬件上实现了外围设备的“即插即用”目标。如联想天禧、同禧因特网电脑就利用 UXB技术来实现外部连接方式,其配套外设地采用统一的 USB接口。   USB接口一方面使外设的安装更加简单方便。所有的 US Internet era, PC Internet access is justified, the phone in the Nokia, Ericsson and other mobile giants pushed onto the Internet, WAP mobile Internet stocks, send and receive email, etc., WAP mobile Internet access to become “attention economy” When peripherals have quietly made the first attempt to surf the Net - Internet is already part of people’s work and life, but your office has a few peripherals such as printers and scanners, Internet-based platform to make full use of these peripherals to improve work efficiency, e-office era has become an urgent problem to be solved - how to access peripherals? Internet-related technologies and standards are maturing, creating the conditions for peripherals to access the Internet. Standardization of interface standards makes peripherals more likely to access the Internet For a long time, the mouse, external Modem, etc. through the serial port to connect, printers, scanners and other peripherals with parallel port connection. However, at present, the interface technology called USB in the computer market is getting hot, and the products based on USB devices are also gradually increasing. USB is a universal serial bus (USB) that is a cable bus that can handle both computer and peripherals with various USB interfaces simultaneously. Peripherals connected to the computer share USB bandwidth, USB time-sharing Mechanism truly hardware peripherals “plug and play” goal. Such as Lenovo Sky, with the jubilee Internet computer on the use of UXB technology to achieve external connection, the peripherals to support the use of a unified USB interface. USB interface on the one hand make the installation of peripherals easier and more convenient. All US
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