
来源 :农业科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gisbird
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小麦非整倍体(过去简称为小麦单缺体)研究,始于三十年代,五十年代以后有了很大发展,而我国最近才有人开始研究。目前,国内对这项研究有着各种不同的看法。有人认为解决当前农业生产问题的研究还忙不过来,对这项研究无暇顾及。有人认为这是·项理论研究,工作量又大,不知何时才能起作用,才能出成果,因而不予重视。有人认为育种就是要出新品种,这种理论研究可以放一放。有人认为这是“新的、时髦”的东西,为了赶超国际先进水平必须大力进行,但不知如何搞法,有的搞了几年,出不了成果,就停下来了。总之,国内对这项研究的看法是有分歧的。我们从1974年才开始进行小麦非整倍体研究,时间短,规模小,体会浅,提不出什么比较正确的意见,仅就为什么开展这项研究,提出一些初步看法,供大家来讨论。 Wheat aneuploidy (formerly referred to as wheat single missing body) research, began in the thirties, since the fifties has made great development, and we have recently started to study. At present, China has various opinions on this research. Some people think that the solution to the current problems of agricultural production is too busy with the study, so there is no time to consider this study. Some people think that this is a theoretical study, and the workload is so great that we do not know when it will work and we can work out achievements. Some people think that breeding is to be a new breed, this theoretical study can be put aside. Some people think that this is a “new and fashionable” thing. In order to catch up with and surpass the international advanced level, it must be vigorously carried out. However, it is hard to find a solution to the law. Some have stopped doing so for a few years without success. In conclusion, the domestic opinions on this research are divided. We started the research on wheat aneuploidy only from 1974, with a short time, a small scale and a shallow experience. We can not put forward any more correct opinions. Only on this basis is this study conducted and some preliminary opinions are put forward for discussion.
社会主义核心价值观凝练问题研究,不仅要求总结历史经验,更要有开阔的视野和开放的胸襟,坚持真理,修正错误,杜绝想当然的独断冥想和简单的概念推演。$$ 自党中央提出建设社会主
品牌管理 已成为今天企业发展与竞争的最重要的战略之一。成功的品牌战略 是通过增加可吸引消费者购买的价值(心理体验)来提高产品或服务的盈利能力,简言之,就是告诉消费者你为什