
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feifeijoy
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目的了解肺癌肉瘤的临床、病理特点,探讨其可能的组织学来源及合理的治疗方式。方法:对12例肺癌肉瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果12例患者均行手术治疗,手术切除率、手术并发症发生率及手术死亡率分别为100.0%、16.7%和8.3%。光镜下表现为癌与肉瘤成分混合存在,癌的成分及肉瘤的成分多种多样。本组患者的术后5年生存率为33.3%,已证实死亡的5例患者除1例死于术后并发症外,其余均死于远处转移。结论:肺癌肉瘤是一种恶性程度并不高于一般肺癌的恶性肿瘤。手术切除是其首选的治疗手段。手术指征应包括Ⅲa期、部分Ⅲb期及Ⅳ期患者。其组织学来源除上皮来源外,不除外个别非上皮来源的可能。 Objective To understand the clinical and pathological features of lung cancer sarcoma, explore its possible histological origin and reasonable treatment. Methods: The clinical data of 12 patients with lung cancer sarcoma were retrospectively analyzed. Results Twelve patients underwent surgical treatment. The surgical resection rate, the incidence of surgical complications and the operative mortality rate were 100.0%, 16.7% and 8.3%, respectively. Under the light microscope, there is a mixture of cancer and sarcoma components, and the components of the cancer and the components of the sarcoma are various. The postoperative 5-year survival rate was 33.3% in this group of patients. Among the 5 patients who had been confirmed dead, except one died of postoperative complications, the rest died of distant metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: Lung cancer sarcoma is a malignant tumor that is not more malignant than normal lung cancer. Surgical resection is its preferred treatment. Surgical indications should include stage IIIa, stage IIIb, and stage IV patients. Its histological origin is not limited to the possibility of individual non-epithelial sources other than epithelial sources.
1 病例资料rn患者男,38岁,主因持续胸痛4 d,心电图提示急性心肌梗死而由120送入,既往有高血压病10年,血压最高190/120 mm Hg,糖尿病3年,不规则用药.入院查体:T 36.3,P 126次/
在管道化溶出装置中,熔盐加热系统是安全风险较高的区域,本文结合一些实际发生的事件,对熔盐加热系统和以熔盐加热的溶出套管进行了分析,并提出了一些安全防范措施.“,”In t
1 病例报告rn患者女,15岁.青春期后一直无月经来潮,半年前开始无明显诱因出现下腹部持续性胀痛,每间隔30 d下腹疼痛加重3~4 d.超声所见:子宫前倾位,大小约6.9 cm×6.6 cm×6.5