上期署名郑志峰的来信登出以后,我们很快收到了一些读者来信,大家对这个问题表现出浓厚的兴趣,纷纷谈出了自已的理解。很多读者认为这个看似表面化的问题其实有着很深的可挖掘之处,建议我们广开言路,征集更多、更深层面的观点,以引起更大范围的人的关注。干干净净的成功是不是真的遥不可及?我们究竟该如何选择?无论你有什么样的高论,这个没有篱笆的家园都会为你提供畅所欲言的空间,我们等待着你的发言。来稿请寄:100034北京西城区官园育强胡同22号中国青年杂志社李阳泉(收)或发E-MAIL至liyangquan@yahoo.com.cn 好了,听大家的发言吧——
After the letter signed by Zheng Zhifeng of the last issue was posted out, we immediately received some letters from readers who showed their strong interest in the issue and talked about their own understanding one after another. Many readers think that this seemingly superficial issue has a very deep excavation. It is suggested that we open our doors to solicit more and deeper views to arouse the attention of a wider range of people. How do we choose? No matter what your theory, this home without fence will provide you with free speech space, we are waiting for your speech. Contributions please send: 100034 Beijing Xicheng District official Park Yukiang alley 22 China Youth magazine Li Yangquan (close) or send E-MAIL to liyangquan@yahoo.com.cn Well, listen to everyone’s speech -