Self-assembly of 4-(amyloxy) cinnamic acid on HOPG and its photoinduced transformation: An STM study

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Light-induced structural transformation of 4-(amyloxy)cinnamic acid (AOCA) on the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) was investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). AOCA molecules form highly-ordered adlayer on HOPG spontaneously, stabilized by hydrogen bonding between neighboring molecules. After UV-light irradiation onto the adlayer, the ordered ad- layer was disrupted and a new disordered structure was observed, which indicated that dimerization of AOCA molecules took place. The STM results reveal the direct evidence for the photoisomerization of cin- namic acid at atom level. Light-induced structural transformation of 4- (amyloxy) cinnamic acid (AOCA) on the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) was investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). AOCA molecules form highly-ordered adlayer on HOPG spontaneously, stabilized by After the UV-light irradiation onto the adlayer, the ordered ad-layer was disrupted and a new disordered structure was observed, which indicated that dimerization of AOCA molecules took place. The STM results reveal the direct evidence for the photoisomerization of cin- namic acid at atom level.
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中国仪器仪表学会农业仪器应用技术学会于1988年10月下旬召开了首届农业仪器应用技术学术年会,到会代表75人,有31篇论文在大会上进行了交流。交流的主要内容有: 1.国内外农
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