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  1. 人们可以利用空余时间到动物园寻找快乐,特别对小孩很有好处;
  2. 动物园可以解救快灭绝的动物,动物园门票的钱也可用来拯救动物;
  3. 科学家可以省下许多时间用在研究动物上,因为不用去大自然盲目地找动物。
  The zoo
  In my opinion, zoos can be fairly important and useful in the city. First of all, when you feel bored or are tired of work, you now have a place to go to relax yourself. And kids love the zoo, they can have a roaring good time in it, and it’s instructive. They need to see the wonders of the animal kingdom. It can help them realize the importance of keeping their natural habitats from pollution. As a great source of recreation, a zoo means much to the animals too, as long as they are being treated humanely. With the huge amount of entrance dues, zoos saved countless animals, which might be extinct for not being kept in them. Last but not least, scientists no longer have to go to the wild to look for some specific animals they need for scientific researches if there’s a zoo in the city. Actually a lot of experiments are conducted in zoos nowadays.
  Some of you may argue that it takes up too much room to run a zoo in the city or that the animals make too much noise or something else. But I think all in all, the advantages are more than disadvantages.
  When you live in a big city, what you see every day is the cold concrete and steel, where can you find forest and live animals? While more and more animals are dying out, where do you think is the ideal place for them to live with us peacefully in the city? If scientists want to do some researches on the wild animals, where can they find the ideal animals in the city? All these questions remind you of only one place in the city, it is the zoo. In my opinion, a zoo is very important and useful in the city. It is helpful for the citizen’s recreation, for the animals’ protection, and for science researches.
  Firstly, people who are tired of the cold buildings in the city can spend their spare time in the zoo where they can see a lot of special animals and have a lot of fun. Children, especially, can learn a lot of knowledge in a zoo trip. According to a survey in China, 21.2% of the citizens in the city prefer to spend their leisure time in the zoo. Visiting the zoo in the city is a great part of the citizen’s recreations.
  Furthermore, the zoo in the city can help to rescue the animals which are dying out. Nowadays cities are expanding and forests are decreasing, so more and more animals are dying out. How can we save these animals? In many zoologists’ eyes, a zoo in the city is one of the best solutions to the problem. When we have a zoo in the city, we can have a lot of animals in it and take good care of them. Besides, building a zoo in the city is also good for the city’s environment. And the admission dues we collect from the zoo can be spent to save more animals. Then a good circulation is formed.
  Last but not least, when we have a zoo in the city, the scientists may not need to go to the forest to do some researches. Because they can find the right animals they need in the city zoo. Thanks to the zoo, the scientists can be more efficient and do the researches more conveniently.
  Admittedly, the zoo in the city takes up such a large land that it may be used to build more houses and facilities, and the zoo is useless to the city’s economical growth and development. However,a zoo is very helpful and important to entertain the citizens, to protect the animals and to help the scientists. Certainly, a zoo will benefit the city in the long run.
  浦江二中高二(8) 傅黎晖 原创
  指导教师 王玉艳
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