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一年,又一年,当我们敲响走进2010年的钟声,21世纪的第一个10年就这样离我们远去。一年,又一年,伴随着中国经济社会日新月异的巨大变化,总有许多酸甜苦辣、悲欢离合的故事在我们身边发生。刚刚过去的2009年依然如此。2009年,西部大开发的第一个10年告一段落,在我们品味成就、咀嚼得失的同时,更对未来西部的战略转型满怀憧憬;2009年,关中一天水经济区设立,三峡工程收尾,中国一中亚天然气管道开通……在金融危机的低迷环境中,西部的持续发展再次成为最大的亮点;2009年,透过新疆动乱、黄瑶落马、“躲猫猫”事件等一些不和谐的音符,我们也能强烈地感受到,西部的发展依然面临着许多难题,实现西部经济社会全面进步任重道远……回首2009年的西部,面对一个个不断撞入我们眼帘的事件和名字,我们一时无法取舍,最终,我们想到了一个“最”字:哪些事儿让我们最开心、最震撼、最可恨、最无奈?而最牛气、最幸运、最伤情、最悲壮的人物又是谁呢? Year after year, year after year, when we sounded the bells that walked into 2010, we were away from us in the first decade of the 21st century. Year after year, with the rapid changes in China’s economy and society, there are always stories of ups and downs, joys and sorrows happening around us. This is still the case in 2009, just past. In 2009, the first 10 years of the development of the western region come to an end. While we are enjoying our achievements and chewing our gains and losses, we are even more hopeful of the strategic transformation of the western region in the future. In 2009, the Guanzhong-Tianshui Economic Zone was established and the Three Gorges Project was completed. China A natural gas pipeline in Central Asia opened ... In the downturn of the financial crisis, the sustained development of the western region once again become the biggest bright spot again; in 2009, through the unrest in Xinjiang, Huangyao’s fall, “hide and seek” and other incongruities We can also strongly feel that the development of the western region still faces many difficulties and it is still a long way to go in achieving all-round economic and social progress in the western region. Looking back at the events in 2009 and the names and names of the western regions that hit us constantly In the end, we could think of a “best” word: What made us happiest, the most shocking, the most hated, the most helpless? The most arrogant, the most fortunate, the most hurt, the most tragic figure Who is it?
The inclusion complexations of β-cyclodextrin with four hyoseyarnine drugs wereinvestigated by microcalorimetric technique and ~1HNMR.All the inclusion comple
在实验室中和在生产条件下使用放射性物质工作时,氡的衰变产物 RaA、RaB和 RaG能够造成很大的危害性。因此必须对企业(实验室、工厂、矿山)的空气中的氡衰变产物含量进行系