迎战全球金融危机 迎接新能源产业革命

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2008年7月因美国次贷危机引发全球金融风暴,到年底开始影响到实体经济领域,引起全球性经济衰退。预计2009年全球经济增长将下滑到1%~3%之间。美国和欧盟国家已陷入经济危机,预计今年美国、欧盟等发达国家将是负增长,步入萧条阶段。亚洲受到冲击较小,目前还在经济下滑阶段,中国和印度在2008年还分别达到了9%和7%的增长,对稳定全球经济增长做出了巨大贡献。全世界寄希望于中国和印度在2009年保持较高的经济增长以扭转全球经济下滑形势,2009年中国提出了力保8%增长的目标。各国政府通力合作应对金融危机采取各种措施和行动,不断加大政策和行动力度,第一阶段政策和行动是止血,主要在金融领域查明风险,化解风险,维持金融资本市场稳定,防止金融危机向实体经济蔓延;第二阶段政策和行动是疗伤,主要在扭转经济下滑,刺激经济增长,近来美国政府财政拔款7870亿美元,欧盟提出2000亿元财政拔款,中国政府提出4万亿元财政拨款和十大产业振兴计划。 In July 2008, the global financial turmoil triggered by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis began to affect the real economy by the end of the year, causing a global economic recession. The global economic growth is expected to decline to between 1% and 3% in 2009. The United States and EU countries have fallen into an economic crisis. It is estimated that the developed countries such as the United States and the European Union will be negative growth and enter a depression phase this year. In the meantime, Asia was hit harder. At present, the economy is still in a downturn. China and India also achieved 9% and 7% growth respectively in 2008, making a significant contribution to stabilizing global economic growth. The whole world hopes that China and India will maintain relatively high economic growth in 2009 in order to reverse the global economic downturn. In 2009, China set the goal of 8% growth. Governments of all countries work together to cope with the financial crisis by adopting various measures and actions to continuously increase policies and actions. The first phase of policies and actions is to stop the bleeding, mainly to identify risks in the financial sector, to defuse risks, to maintain the stability of financial capital markets and to prevent financial The crisis is spreading to the real economy. The second phase of policies and actions is healing. It mainly aims to reverse the economic downturn and stimulate economic growth. Recently, the U.S. government has allocated 787 billion U.S. dollars in fiscal expenditures, 200 billion yuan has been raised by the EU, and the Chinese government has proposed 4 trillion yuan Yuan fiscal allocations and the top ten industrial revitalization plan.
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