
来源 :中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szw_jlcc
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目的:探讨低剂量电离辐射对放射工作人员健康的影响规律,为放射工作人员职业健康风险评估提供依据。方法:于2020年1月,选取2017年1月至2019年12月在广州市职业病防治院进行放射职业健康检查的3 165名放射工作人员为研究对象,比较分析不同体检类型(上岗前、在岗期间和离岗时)、工种、性别、工龄的放射工作人员健康状况。结果:进行离岗时放射职业健康检查的比例较少,仅为2.3%(74/3 165);在岗期间组放射工作人员的胸片、肾功能、甲状腺功能、血常规异常检出率高于上岗前组(n P0.05);医疗应用组和工业应用组的血常规异常检出率高于核燃料组(n P<0.05);男性放射工作人员的血压和肾功能异常检出率高于女性,而女性的血常规异常检出率高于男性(n P<0.05);放射工作人员的心电图、胸片、血压、肾功能、甲状腺功能和血常规的异常检出率随着工龄的增加而升高(n P<0.05)。n 结论:放射工作人员职业健康状况不容乐观,应加强放射职业健康监护,尤其重视离岗时放射职业健康检查,重点关注敏感指标变化,改善放射防护条件,切实保障放射工作人员职业健康。“,”Objective:To discuss the effect of low-dose ionizing radiation on the health of radiation workers, and provide a basis for occupational health risk assessment of radiation workers.Methods:In January 2020, 3165 radiation workers who performed radiation occupational health examinations in Guangzhou Prevention and Treatment Hospital for Occupational Disease from January 2017 to December 2019 were selected as the research objects, and compared and analyzed the health status of radiation workers with different examination types (pre-job, in-job and off-job) , types of work, gender, and length of service.Results:The off-job occupational radiological health examination was rare at 2.3% (74/3165) . The abnormal detection rate of chest radiographs, renal function, thyroid function, and blood routine of the radiation workers in-job group was higher than that of the pre-job group (n P0.05) . The blood routine abnormality detection rate of medical application group and industrial application group were higher than those of nuclear fuel group (n P<0.05) . The abnormal detection rate of blood pressure and renal function of male radiation workers was higher than that of females, while the abnormal detection rate of blood routine of females was higher than that of males (n P<0.05) . The abnormal detection rate of electrocardiogram, chest radiograph, blood pressure, renal function, thyroid function, and blood routine of radiation workers increased with increasing working age (n P<0.05) .n Conclusion:Occupational health status of radiation workers is not optimistic. Radiation occupational health monitoring should be strengthened, special attention should be paid to off-job radiation occupational health examination, focusing on the sensitive indicators of sensitive personnel, improving radiation protection conditions, and effectively protecting the occupational health of radiation workers.
目的评价翻瓣联合骨管技术拔牙方案在药物相关性颌骨坏死(medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw,MRONJ)潜在风险患者中临床应用的初步效果。方法纳入2016年2月至2020年11月于北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院口腔颌面外科就诊的18例应用抗骨吸收和(或)抗血管生成药物史患者。按照患者用药方案特点分为低剂量抗骨吸收药物组、高剂量抗骨吸收药物组和高剂量抗
伦敦第三次办奥运,即便在英国也有人感觉跟自己无关,甚至因为其巨大开销和影响日常出行而心生反感。据说,奥运开幕次日,英国有40多个组织要上街抗议。  伦敦是世界四大都会区(还有纽约、东京、巴黎)之一,而前几届东道主北京、雅典、悉尼、亚特兰大、巴塞罗那等等,都不入其法眼。在一些英国人潜意识里,是烧钱的奥运傍上了伦敦,而不是伦敦在击败情敌巴黎后抱得奥运美人归。  英国王室对奥运倒没什么成见,上一次奥运在
漂亮得体的衣装、保养精心的面容、金丝眼镜下总透出一脸微笑,运动场外的井村雅代如同很多日本妇女一样,是一个优雅的、很有女性味道的女士。不过,运动场上的她 Beautiful a