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瓠瓜(Lagenarla leucantha Rusby)品种“杭州长葫芦”的正常开花习性,是在主蔓上,每一叶腋开一朵雄花。但在幼苗期用乙烯利喷洒处理,可以促进多生雌花,少生雄花。但当乙烯利与GA_3混合使用时,显示GA_3有抵消乙烯利效应的作用,而这种作用的大小,与GA_3的浓度有关。 不论在长光照、短光照或自然光照下,乙烯利处理都可以促进主蔓多生雌花,少生雄花。但对侧蔓的影响不大。而用GA_3处理,对主蔓的雌雄性别,几乎没有影响。但对侧蔓的雌花数有减少的趋势。 乙烯利喷洒处理时,瓠瓜植株的节数愈多,则连续着生雌花的节数(相当于花数),有减少的顷向。但由处理时植株的顶叶数起到开始着生雌花之间的节数,则不同处理时期之间,相差不大。 试验证明:雄花的花药长度只有在0.2~0.4毫米以下时,才能为乙烯利处理转变为雌花。当雄花发育到花药长度超过0.5毫米时,就不能为乙烯利转变为雌花。乙烯利处理,并不能诱导瓠瓜分化更多的雌花,而只是使原来的雄花芽转变成为雌花。 The normal flowering habits of the Lagenarla leucantha Rusby variety “Hangzhou gourd” are on the main vine with a male flower on the axil of each leaf. However, spraying seedlings with ethephon, can promote more virgin female flowers, male flowers less. However, when ethephon is mixed with GA_3, it shows that GA_3 has an effect of counteracting the ethephon effect, and the magnitude of this effect is related to the concentration of GA_3. Whether in the long light, short light or natural light, ethephon treatment can promote the main multi-tasking female flowers, male flowers less. However, the effect on the side of the vine is not big. GA_3 treatment, the main male and female sex, almost no effect. However, the female flowers on the opposite side of the vine tend to decrease. Ethephon spray treatment, gourd melon plant more nodes, the number of consecutive female flowers female section (equivalent to the number of flowers), there is a decrease in the direction. However, the number of the top leaves of the plants from the beginning of the treatment to the number of the sections between the raw female flowers is not different between the different treatment periods. Tests show that: anthers male flower length of 0.2 to 0.4 mm below the time for the conversion of ethephon into female flowers. When male flowers grow to anther length more than 0.5 mm, they can not be converted into female flowers ethephon. Ethephon treatment, can not induce more melon melon differentiation of female flowers, but only to make the original male flower into a female flower.
目的:探索与研究临床上应用调Q-1064激光,采用先后复合式多光斑治疗太田痣,并完成4个周期疗程后的有效性和安全性.方法:采用Spectra VRM Ⅱ型双波长脉冲Nd:YAG激光系统(康奥公
Stan Seo,擅长视效和美术,曾为《返老还童》、《变形金刚》等多部电影做过视效工作,在《守护者联盟》中负责视觉开发。  www.stanseo.com  主要作品  2012 《守护者联盟》 |2010 《超级大坏蛋》|2008 《本杰明巴顿奇事》|2008 《木乃伊3:龙帝之墓》|  2007 《变形金刚》 |2006 《硫磺岛家书》|2006 《父辈的旗帜》  Q1观众普遍认为《守护者联盟
目的:探讨总结采用两种不同固定矫治方式远移上颌磨牙有效性、优缺点及治疗经验. 方法:将18例符合适应症(磨牙前移所致安氏Ⅱ类错颌畸形)的病例,分成两组采用两种不同远移方