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1.主要品种 选择成熟早、品质好、自花授粉能力强的品种,如凯特、红荷苞、玛瑙杏、金太阳、骆驼黄等。 2.苗木选择 选择芽体饱满、枝条粗壮、根系完全且发达的成品苗,亦可选择根系发达的半成品苗建园。利用速生苗建园,在加强肥水管理的基础上,经过促花措施,当年能形成大量花芽,冬季扣棚后可获得较高的产量。定植前将根系浸水24小时,然后用0.3%的硫酸铜浸根1小时或用3波美度石硫合剂喷布全株,消毒后待栽。 3.栽植方法 春季3月底、4月初栽植最好。将苗木定植在规划好的地块中,在已沉实好的定植沟上挖小穴(30厘米× 30厘米× 30厘米),将苗子放入,保持根系伸展,深 1. The main varieties of mature early choice, good quality, self-pollination ability of varieties, such as Kate, red sojae, agate apricot, golden sun, camel yellow and so on. 2. seedling selection Bud full bud, stout branches, roots and fully developed product seedlings, but also choose the root system developed semi-finished products Miao Garden. The use of quick-growing seedlings to build gardens, on the basis of strengthening fertilizer and water management, after promoting flowers, a large number of flower buds can be formed in that year, and higher yields can be obtained after the winter buckets. Roots will be soaked in water for 24 hours before planting, and then rooted with 0.3% copper sulfate for 1 hour or sprayed with 3 Baume limestone whole plant, to be planted after disinfection. 3. Cultivation method The end of March spring, April planting the best. Seedlings planted in the planned plots, digging holes (30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm) in the already settled good planting ditch, the seedlings into, keep the root stretch, deep