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7年前曾去香港。记得因为时间太短,只有半天留给海洋公园。100港元1张门票,进得占地86公顷的偌大公园,一路急行,恨不插翅。无奈好玩的项目都排大队。最终动感电影看了一场,激流勇进却没坐上,满脸写着个“憾”字,怏怏离开了公园。“下次再来香港,不玩够了不出来!”兴没有尽,安慰还是会找的。而若真的再去,要着重探望的,恐怕又是米老鼠、白雪公主的住处了。因为去年9月,迪士尼乐园已在香港开业。每个人都是孩子。每个人都在造梦。人生短暂,让我们不断追求不一样的感受。而每一次移身异处,我们都希望,有一些特殊的经历或体验,为生活留下点印痕。 Seven years ago went to Hong Kong. I remember because the time is too short, only half a day left to Ocean Park. 100 Hong Kong dollars a ticket, access to 86 hectares of large park, all the way urgent, hate not wings. Helpless projects are rowing brigade. Eventually saw a dynamic movie, torrent jumped did not sit on his face read a “regrettable” word, 怏 怏 left the park. “Come back to Hong Kong next time, do not play enough enough!” Xing did not do, comfort or will find. If you really go, to focus on the visit, I am afraid it is Mickey Mouse, Snow White’s residence. Because last September, Disneyland has opened in Hong Kong. Everyone is a child. Everyone is dreaming. Short life, let us continue to pursue different feelings. And every move away, we all hope, there are some special experiences or experiences, leaving some marks for life.
We experimentally fabricate a non-spherical Ag and Co surface-enhanced Raman scattering(SERS) substrate, which not only retains the metallic plasmon resonant ef
The adsorption of phosphorus(P) onto three industrial solid wastes(fly ash, red mud and ferric–alum water treatment residual(FAR)) and their modified materials
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非酶糖基化终末产物(advanced glycation end products,AGEs)沉积在糖尿病患者的神经组织,通过多种途径引起神经组织的代谢、结构和功能的改变,是糖尿病神经病变发生、发展的
Ag loaded mesoporous silica-embedded TiO_2 nanocomposites were successfully synthesized via two different routes,including one-pot solvothermal method and solvo