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儒法在“道统”“政统”“法统”上的合流,直接造就了中国历史上横亘上千年的正统法哲学,正统法哲学成为解读和评判其他法哲学流派的标尺,由此道家法哲学沦为旁支或者另类,对其过度诠释、误读、贬损比比皆是。正统法哲学的基础是本源法哲学,它从本源论上的现象世界来讨论问题,其“天”和“道”都是人的主观意识对客观世界的认识和总结,其法哲学成为君王治理现象世界的理论指南和为王权合法性辩护的工具;而道家法哲学则从本体论的角度超越现象世界回答其本真问题,否定主客观之间的对立,批判一切经验世界的有为法则,指出其相对性和局限性以及由此造成的弊端,这种法哲学对于人类反思现象世界的缺陷和构建本体论意义深远,但是对集权统治来说甚少利用价值。道家法哲学被驳难和误读,不仅发生在中国传统历代王朝,甚至延续到今日。那些囿于个人立场、观念的过度诠释往往掩盖了道家法哲学的精髓和精彩,只有厘清这些误解、误读,才能让更多的人受益于道家法哲学的智慧之光。 The confluence of Confucianism and Legalism on “Dao ” “” “” “system ” has directly created the orthodox philosophy of law that spans thousands of years in Chinese history, and the orthodox philosophy of law becomes the benchmark for interpreting and judging other jurisprudence schools , Thus the Taoist philosophy of law reduced to the offshoot or alternative, its excessive interpretation, misreading, derogatory abound. Orthodoxy based on philosophical philosophy is the source of philosophy, which from the source of the phenomenon of the world to discuss the problem, the “Heaven” and “Tao” are the subjective consciousness of the people’s understanding of the objective world and concluded that the method Philosophy has become the theoretical guide to the kingdom governing the phenomenal world and the tool for defending the legitimacy of the monarchical power. Taoist philosophy of law goes beyond the phenomenal world to answer its true question from the perspective of ontology, negating the confrontation between subjectivity and objectivity, and criticizing all the empirical worlds It is a law, points out its relativity and limitation as well as the resulting malpractice. This kind of legal philosophy is of far-reaching significance to the defects of the human world of reflections and the construction of ontology. However, it has little value to the totalitarian rule. Taoist jurisprudence was fied and misread, not only in the traditional Chinese dynasties, even today. Excessive interpretations of those who stand in personal positions often obscure the essence and wonderfulness of Taoist philosophy of law. Only by clarifying these misunderstandings and misreading can more people benefit from the wisdom of Taoism.
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