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津村节子(1928—)是日本当代著名女作家。她和丈夫吉村昭在50年代初双双登上文坛后,勤奋写作,佳作频出。她的中篇小说《玩具》获第53届芥川奖,从此她在文坛上名声大振。她作品中的主人公大多是日本普通女性。她以女性细腻的笔触给读者描绘了一幅又一幅生活气息浓厚的风俗画,塑造了一个又一个朴素、生动、平凡、呼之欲出的女性形象。《冰中花》中的彩子是一个资本主义社会中的弱女子。为了养活母亲和弟弟,使一家人能够平平稳稳地活下去,她不得不去做公司经理的情人,忍受屈辱。她看到被发掘的祖坟中正房和偏房即使在死后也受着不同待遇,使她心灵上受到了巨大的冲击。她悲观、彷徨、难以自拔。然而现实生活迫使她只能屈辱地活下去。 Tsumura Tsuji (1928-) is a famous contemporary Japanese writer. After she and her husband, Yoshimura Akimoto, both boarded the literary world in the early 1950s, they worked diligently to write and masterpieces. Her novella “Toy” won the 53rd Akutagawa Award, and she has gained a lot of reputation in the literary world. Most of the protagonists in her work are ordinary Japanese women. Her fine brushstrokes depict the readers with another genre painting with rich life style, creating one after another a simple, vivid, ordinary, ready to come out female image. The colored flower in “Icy Flower” is a weaker woman in a capitalist society. In order to feed her mother and brother, so that the family can live smoothly and steadily, she has to be the lover of her manager and endure humiliation. She saw that in her grave excavated, the main and partial houses were treated differently even after their death, causing her to have a tremendous psychological impact. She is pessimistic, stupid, hard to extricate themselves. However, real life forced her to live only in humiliation.
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