Promoter hypermethylation of CDH1, FHIT, MTAP and PLAGL1 in gastric adenocarcinoma in individuals fr

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:petry1989
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AIM: To evaluate the methylation status of CDH1, FHIT, MTAP and PLAGL1 promoters and the association of these findings with clinico-pathological characteristics. METHODS: Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) assay was performed in 13 nonneoplastic gastric adenocarcinoma, 30 intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma and 35 diffuse- type gastric adenocarcinoma samples from individuals in Northern Brazil. Statistical analyses were performed using the chi-square or Fisher’s exact test to assess associations between methylation status and clinico- pathological characteristics. RESULTS: Hypermethylation frequencies of CDH1, FHIT, MTAP and PLAGL1 promoter were 98.7%, 53.9%, 23.1% and 29.5%, respectively. Hypermethylation of three or four genes revealed a significant association with diffuse-type gastric cancer compared with nonneoplastic cancer. A higher hypermethylation frequency wassignificantly associated with H pylori infection in gastric cancers, especially with diffuse-type. Cancer samples without lymph node metastasis showed a higher FHIT hypermethylation frequency. MTAP hypermethylation was associated with H pylori in gastric cancer samples, as well as with diffuse-type compared with intestinal-type. In diffuse-type, MTAP hypermethylation was associated with female gender. CONCLUSION: Our findings show differential gene methylation in tumoral tissue, which allows us to conclude that hypermethylation is associated with gastric carcinogenesis. MTAP promoter hypermethylation can be characterized as a marker of diffuse-type gastric cancer, especially in women and may help in diagnosis, prognosis and therapies. The H pylori infectious agent was present in 44.9% of the samples. This infection may be correlated with the carcinogenic process through the gene promoter hypermethylation, especially the MTAP promoter in diffuse-type. A higher H pylori infection in diffuse-type may be due to greater genetic predisposition. METHODS: Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) assay was performed in 13 nonneoplastic gastric adenocarcinoma, 30 intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma and 35 diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinoma samples from individuals in Northern Brazil. Statistical analyzes were performed using the chi-square or Fisher’s exact test to assess associations between methylation status and clinico-pathological characteristics. RESULTS: Hypermethylation frequencies of CDH1, FHIT, Hypermethylation of three or four genes revealed a significant association with diffuse-type gastric cancer compared with nonneoplastic cancer. A higher hypermethylation frequency wassignificantly associated with H pylori infection in gastric cancers, especially with diffuse-type. Cancer samples wit hout lymph node metastasis showed a higher FHIT hypermethylation frequency. MTAP hypermethylation was associated with H pylori in gastric cancer samples, as well as with diffuse-type compared with intestinal-type. In diffuse-type, MTAP hypermethylation was associated with female gender. CONCLUSION : Our findings show differential gene methylation in tumoral tissue, which allows us to conclude that hypermethylation is associated with gastric carcinogenesis. MTAP promoter hypermethylation can be characterized as a marker of diffuse-type gastric cancer, especially in women and may help in diagnosis, prognosis and therapies. The H pylori infectious agent was present in 44.9% of the samples. This infection may be correlated with the carcinogenic process through the gene promoter hypermethylation, especially the MTAP promoter in diffuse-type. A higher H pylori infection in diffuse-type may be due to greater genetic predisposition.
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麦田稻鹰:  我现在念高三,最近我喜欢上了一个打篮球很厉害的男同学,想对他表白。可另一方面我也很想学习,努力考上我梦想中的大学,但又不想放弃他。怎么办?有什么两全的办法吗?  天津 何N  何N:  在追求梦想的道路上,我觉得你一定要弄清楚三个问题:一是你有什么,二是你要什么,三是你能放弃什么。有什么,就是评价自己的现状;要什么,就是内心要有明确的想法和目标;放弃什么,就是你为了达到这个目标能舍去