携手相伴 同心共进

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班主任工作是进行日常思想品德教育和指导学生健康成长的最重要的途径。班主任与学生朝夕相处,对班级的每一个学生的全面发展都负有直接的教育责任。班主任以其创造性的工作和奉献精神,对学生的成长发挥着直接影响。班主任对学生的直接管理、组织、教育所付出的心血和精力,是其他教师不能相比的。学校的教育指令,要通过班主任在学生中执行,班主任是执行校长指令的中坚。实践证明,保证学校教学秩序正常化的基本力量是班主任。任课教师不得力,可能出现乱堂,而班主任不得力,就会出现乱班。一个学校哪怕只有一个乱班,整个学校的教学秩序都难以安定,会对学校的整体工作产生冲击。因此,班主任不仅是学校德育工作骨干队伍的重要组成部分,而且是骨干队伍里的中坚力量。班主任是学校与家庭、社会联系的直接代表,是沟通学校、家庭和社会的桥梁。通过班主任对三种教育力量的沟通,充分发挥班主任的桥梁作用,是提高德育实效的重要环节。 Class teacher work is the daily life ideological and moral education and guide the healthy growth of students the most important way. The teacher in charge of working with the students from morning to evening has a direct educational responsibility for the overall development of every student in the class. With their creative work and dedication, the head teacher has a direct impact on student growth. The teacher’s direct effort to manage, organize, and educate students can not match the effort and energy of other teachers. The school’s instructional instruction is to be implemented among the students through the teacher in charge of the class, which is the backbone of the instruction of the principal. Practice has proved that to ensure the normalization of school teaching order is the basic strength of the class teacher. Class teachers are not effective, there may be chaos, and the class teacher is not effective, there will be disorder. Even if there is only one disorderly shift in a school, the order of teaching in the whole school is hard to settle and it will have an impact on the overall work of the school. Therefore, the head teacher is not only an important part of the backbone team of moral education in school, but also the backbone of the backbone team. Class teacher is a direct representative of school and family, social ties, is to bridge the school, family and society. Through the teacher in charge of communication between the three kinds of education, give full play to the teacher’s role as a bridge, is an important part of improving the effectiveness of moral education.
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