夯实基础 提高效益 把我省经济建设推上一个新的水平

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刚才青林同志的重要讲话,对当前形势作了深刻分析,在全面总结去年工作的基础上,提出了我省1999年经济工作的总体要求和指导方针。这是全省经济工作会议的主要精神,大家要认真学习和贯彻落实。下面,我侧重于今年经济工作的具体部署讲些意见。年积累的深层次问题集中显现。潜在的金融风险在东南亚形势的影响下变为即期风险;经济增幅回落,首季 GDP 增长6.3%,低于1997年增长6.7%的平均水平;市场需求继续走低,头两个月的加工业出现了长期以来少有的负增长。针对这种情况,新一届省委、省政府根据中央的部署,结合本省实际,团结全省各族人民奋力 Just now, Comrade Qinglin made an important speech on the current situation and made a profound analysis of the current situation. He proposed the general requirements and guidelines for the economic work of our province in 1999 on the basis of a comprehensive review of last year’s work. This is the main spirit of the economic work conference in the province. We must conscientiously study and implement it. Next, I will make some comments on the concrete deployment of economic work this year. The deep-seated problems accumulated in the year are concentrated. Potential financial risks have become spot-risk under the influence of the Southeast Asian situation; economic growth slowed down, with GDP growth of 6.3% in the first quarter, down from the average level of 6.7% in 1997; the market demand continued to decline. The first two months of processing industry There has been a rare negative growth for a long time. In response to this situation, the new provincial party committee and provincial government worked hard to unite the people of all ethnic groups in the province according to the deployment of the Central Government and the reality of their own province
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