Clinical and electrophysiological study of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy

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Objective To investigate the clinical and electrophysiological features of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathyrn(CIDP) . Methods The clinical symptoms and signs of 11 patients with CIDP were studied, motor conduction velocity( MCV), sensory con-duction velocity (SCV) and Electromyography (EMG) were also respectively carried out on 54 motor nerves, 28 sensory nerves and 21 musclesof these 11 cases. The amplitudes of compound muscle action potential(CAMP) obtained from distal and proximal ends were compared to as-certain the presence of conduction block (CB) by stimulating the segments starting from the distal ends. Results More than 3 nerves werefound involved in 10 out of 11 cases, slow MCV were found in 52%, prolongation of the distal latency in 64%, reduction of the amplitudes ofCAMP in 68%, CB in 26%, slow SCV in 85. 7%. EMG revealed neurogenic damage in 81%. Conclusion CIDP is a peripheral de-rnmyelinating neuropathy involving not only the prox imal and distal segments but also the sensory and motor nerves. If there were no conditionsto perform nerve biopsy, testing of protein in CSF and electrophysiology mightbe of important diagnostic value for CIDP.
自1999年8月~2000年8月对80例rn首次偏瘫患者家属进行康复训练指导,取效rn很好,现总结如下。rn1资料与方法rn 本组80例,男58例,女22例;年龄rn50~70岁。左侧肢体偏瘫54例,右侧肢体瘫rn
我科自1999年6月~2000年12月rn2年来通过对脑卒中46例患者进行早期的rn康复治疗和护理,取效满意,现将护理体会rn报道如下。rn1资料与方法rn 本组46例中,男28例,女18例;年龄rn49~82岁
帕金森病(以下简称PD)是中老年人一rn种常见病,现将对PD病人家庭护理体会介rn绍如下。rn1资料与方法rn 本组10例均为住院病人,其中男5例,rn女5例,平均年龄60.2±7.5岁。病程<4rn年
笔者采用综合治疗(电针、红外线、超rn短波)及手法护理治疗本病100例,疗效rn显著,总结如下。rn1资料与方法rn 本组100例,男52例,女48例,年龄rn11~81岁,病程1~7d者63例,8~50drn者37例;根
从1992年~2000年我们对400例梅rn核气患者在针灸治疗的基础上配合心理康rn复,疗效显著,表明心理康复在整个治疗过rn程中具有重要作用,现报道如下。rn1资科与方法rn 本组400例患者
Objective To observe the motor cortex activitie s on fMR imaging. Method The fMR study of motor cortex was performed in 15rn normal volunteers using 1. 5T supe