Emily Dickinson’s Complex Emotions to?Nature in “A Narrow Fellow In The Grass”

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  【Abstract】“A Narrow Fellow In The Grass” is one of many poems of Emily that deal with the subject of nature. In this poem, Emily’s complex feelings to snake are well exposed to the readers through the change of the tense and the tone of narrating, which suggests Emily’s complicated emotions to nature.
  【Key words】A Narrow Fellow In The Grass 1; Emily Dickinson 2; Complex Emotions to Nature 3
  1. Preface
  “A Narrow Fellow In The Grass” is one of the few poems which was published when Emily was still a live. And it is also one of many poems of Emily that deal with the subject of nature. Emily writes many poems about nature, which shows her deep love and appreciation to it. She calls the creatures in nature as “Forest Folk”(Dickinson, “A Fuzzy Fellow” 58), or “Pretty people in the Woods” (Dickinson, “Bee” 38). Many members of the forest folk are main characters in Emily’s poems, such as spider, frog, birds and butterfly. They are endowed with different human qualities. In this poem, there is no mention of snake, however, from the vivid descriptions, the readers can still get the image of it easily.
  2. Contradictory feelings to snake
  For Emily, she expressed her contradictory feelings to snake in this poem. On one hand, the speaker appreciates its beauty and calls it as him “fellow”. In these lines:
  The Grass divides as with a Comb──
  A spotted Shaft is seen──
  And then it closes at your feet
  And opens further on── (5-8)
  the snake is described so beautiful with its soft strength, quick speed and great sensitivity. When the speaker tried to “secure” it, it just was gone. It is always the experience that when you are catching something in your mind, but it suddenly disappears, at one time it will cover with mysterious veil which attracts you to appreciate and find it. It is the same with the experience of sudden meeting with the snake. The more it is mysterious, the more the speaker likes it and appreciates it.
  On the other hand, “shaft” and “whip”, as metaphors of snake, suggest its hidden danger to humans. Probably, all of sudden, it will bite you, like a shaft stabbing you or a whip trashing you, and finally kill you, since it is a kind of poisonous creature. Generally, in western countries, snake is endowed with special religious significance, which means the evil. In Bible, Satan, disguising as a snake, induced Eve to taste the forbidden fruit. As result, Adam and Eve committed original sin and were driven off from paradise. So, snake always symbolizes the evil and the unknown danger. The danger both from its religious meaning and from the snake itself terrifies the speaker. Though the speaker loves snake and call it as fellow, because of its hidden danger to him, he is afraid of it at the same time. That also shows Emily’s complex feelings to snake.   3. Changing the tense and the tone of narrating
  In this poem, in order to express her complicated emotions to snake, Emily ingeniously changes the tense and the tone of narrating, which helps increase the beauty of the poem. From the first stanze to the forth stanze, the speaker tells about the characteristics and habits of snake and recalls their sudden meeting in the grass when he was just a child. The tone is slack and relaxed which shows the love of speaker to snake. However, when it comes to the last stanze beginning with “but”, a sudden change happens:
  But never met this Fellow
  Attended, or alone
  Without a tighter breathing
  And zero at the Bone (13-16)
  It is like a music changing sharply from the tender to the tense. The good impression on snake immediately disappears, but only a dread fear, which makes the speaker feel “zero at the Bone”, abruptly overwhelms him. The sudden change of tone in the poem well exposes Emily’s completely different feelings towards snake.
  The tense also changes frequently in this poem. From the first stanze to the beginning of the second stanze, it is present, mainly talking about habits and characteristics of snake; while the remaining part of the second stanze is past tense,
【摘要】中国——东盟博览会、中国——东盟商务与投资峰会的举办;中国——东盟自由贸易区的建成,使广西东盟小语种口译人才需求急增的同时,也为小语种口译人才的质量提出了新要求。许多高校也相应做出改革,针对社会所需人才制定相应人才培养方案。本文旨在分析当前广西东盟小语种口译人才现状,结合广西地理位置、人文文化优势,探究“商务 职业口译”人才培养模式研究的可行性,以期培养出更符合社会所需的广西东盟小语种商务
【摘要】《英语课程标准》指出,培养学生的综合语言运用能力是英语教学的总目标,尤其是培养学生用英语解决生活中实际问题的思维品质与口语交际能力。在农村小学英语口语课堂中恰当地运用现代信息技术来辅助教学,可以有效地培养学生的口语交际能力和语言综合运用能力,有效地提高农村小学英语口语教学效率和教学质量。  【关键词】 现代信息技术;农村;英语口语;有效应用  【 作者简介】罗丽,广东省兴宁市教育局。  《
【摘要】本文通过收集并整理抚州市旅游景区公示语汉英翻译的语料实例,以生态翻译理论为视角,从语言维、文化维和交际维的适应性选择转换,分析并归纳了该地出现的旅游景区公示语汉英翻译错误,并给出相应的翻译改进对策。  【关键词】抚州市旅游景区公示语;生态翻译理论;公示语汉英翻译  【作者简介】罗曼莹(1991-),女,汉族,江西抚州人,东华理工大学长江学院,助教,研究生,研究方向:翻译;涂小红,东华理工大
【摘要】本文以青岛农业大学英语专业的实践教学为个案研究对象,揭示了农业院校英语专业学生实践教学的现状,探讨了应用型英语专业实践教学体系的构建原则和依据,提出了实践教学目标、内容以及评价方式等的构建建议。  【关键词】农业院校;实践教学;英语专业;应用型英语人才  【作者简介】隋华,青岛农业大学。  高等教育最基本的任务是培养社会所需要的、具有全面综合素质的、富有主体精神和创造力的高级专门人才。21
【摘要】本文首先从高职院校英语的教学现状进行了系统的分析,并对当下高职英语教育中存在的困境深度剖析,得出相关问题的成因。后文针对目前高职英语教育的相关困境及现状提出了策略性的教学建议,并结合实际课堂背景予以指导性的实践方案。从而进一步地分析了高职英语科目的重要性,结合高职英语重要考试的现状提出对学生的教育理念:高职英语学习水平必然成为人才的综合素质中的一项重要能力要求。  【关键词】高职英语;语法
一、背景介绍  课本剧的创设是以学生为主体,在教师的适当引导下,以学生为课堂的主体,充分发挥学生的小组学习群体作用,团结协作的精神,提高发散思维的能力以及培养学生的自主学习探索,让学生能够在教中学,在学中乐的一种课堂模式。  教师如何做到以生为本的课本剧模式,接下来我以1B M4U3 Story time为例,说一说我的课堂案例。  二、教学活动目标  一年级学生基本上逐渐适应了小学的英语学习生活
【摘要】当前在初中英语课堂教学过程中,很多情况下会应用互动教学模式。其根本原因在于互动教学模式能够保证学生在相互合作的条件下学习各项英语知识点,降低初中英语课堂教学难度。本文将简要概述互动教学模式,加深广大师生对这一教学模式的了解,确保互动教学模式在初中英语课堂教学中取得广泛的应用,进一步提升初中英语课堂活跃度和教学质量。  【关键词】互动教学模式;初中英语课堂教学;应用  【作者简介】郭春(19
【摘要】本文分析了高职学生在网络教学平台的帮助下,取得了一定的学习效果。但是在具体实践的过程中,笔者也发现了一些有待解决的问题,并提出了自己的建议和看法。  【关键词】网络教学平台;高职;英语学习  【作者简介】杨巧珍,江苏省泰兴中等专业学校。  一、网络教学平台对高职学生学习英语的效果体现  网络教学平台是基于信息技术搭建的虚拟教学平台,为远程教学的教育者和学习者提供授课、答疑、学习、讨论和作业
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