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目的了解医患双方对医患纠纷预防与处理的态度,为有效预防和处理医患纠纷提供参考。方法2015年1—2月,应用自编问卷,对北京市7家三级甲等医院的810名医务人员和835名门诊患者进行调查。结果医患双方公认导致医患纠纷的主要原因包括治疗效果未达到患者的期望、医患对病情和治疗效果认识不一致、医患之间的沟通问题,认同率均>70.0%;对于预防医患纠纷的措施,医务人员认同率较高的是完善相关法律法规(97.8%)、平衡医疗资源(97.3%)等涉及政府、社会层面的宏观措施,而患者认同率较高的是提升医务人员服务态度(92.7%)、改善医务人员沟通技巧(92.5%)等医院方面可操控的措施;在第三方调解、法律仲裁、行政调解、双方协商4种纠纷解决途径中,医务人员首选第三方调解和法律仲裁,但患方则首选双方协商和行政调解。结论医患之间信息不对等、医疗资源分配不平衡是导致医患纠纷的重要原因;在纠纷的解决过程中,积极探索第三方调解模式,规范多元医患纠纷解决机制并完善各种处理途径之间的有效衔接。 Objective To understand the doctor-patient attitude toward the prevention and treatment of doctor-patient disputes, and to provide a reference for effective prevention and treatment of doctor-patient disputes. Methods From January to February 2015, a self-made questionnaire was used to investigate 810 medical workers and 835 outpatients in seven Grade-3 hospitals in Beijing. Results Both doctors and patients recognized the main causes of doctor-patient disputes, including the failure of treatment to meet the expectation of patients, the inconsistency between doctors and patients on the condition and treatment effect, the communication between doctors and patients, and the approval rate of more than 70.0% Dispute measures, higher recognition rate of medical staff is to improve the relevant laws and regulations (97.8%), balance of medical resources (97.3%) and other macro-measures involving government and society, and patients with higher recognition rate is to enhance medical services (92.7%), improving medical communication skills (92.5%) and other hospital-related measures. In the third-party mediation, legal arbitration, administrative mediation and negotiation of four kinds of dispute resolution approaches, medical personnel preferred third-party mediation and Legal arbitration, but the patient is the preferred bilateral consultation and administrative mediation. Conclusion The information between doctors and patients is not equal, and the unbalanced distribution of medical resources is the important reason leading to the disputes between doctors and patients. During the process of dispute resolution, the third party mediation mode is actively explored, the dispute resolution mechanism of multiple doctors and patients is regulated, and various treatment ways are improved Between the effective convergence.
目的探讨对肝门部胆管癌行扩大右半肝切除术前使用经皮经肝门静脉栓塞术(portal vein embolization,PVE)的疗效。方法2005年10月对1例伴有肝硬化的肝门部胆管癌施行经皮经肝门静
海安县王垛苗圃在砧木和接穗受限制的条件下,采用芽接和压条相结合的一砧多接方法繁殖月季;此法操作简便,成苗快。现 Hai’an Wangdu nursery under the conditions of the