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利用整体骨骼染色的方法,对唇(Hemibarbuslabeo)早期发育阶段肌间小骨的形态发生进行观察,结果表明:在受精后35 d(dpf)之前,除了肌间小骨,唇所有其它骨骼均已骨化完成。肌间小骨在35 dpf(相应的体长为23.67 cm)开始在尾部区域骨化,髓弓小骨首先出现在尾部的第37~41肌节之间,脉弓小骨首先出现在尾部的39~40肌节之间,然后依次往前;到62 dpf(相应的体长为30.03cm)肌间小骨骨化全部完成。骨化过程中,唇肌间小骨是从简单的I型,到卜型,再到Y型,再分化为各种复杂形态。唇肌间小骨出现的时机和形态形成规律与其它鲤科鱼类相似,提示鲤科各亚科鱼类肌间小骨的骨化过程可能受同样的遗传机制控制。研究亮点:目前关于鲤科鱼类肌间小骨骨化模式的研究仅限于鲢亚科的鲢和模式动物斑马鱼,通过比较其它亚科鱼类肌间小骨的骨化模式,有助于探讨鲤科鱼类肌间小骨骨化模式的保守性。本文发现亚科唇的肌间小骨骨化模式与鲢非常相似,提示鲤科肌间小骨的骨化过程可能受同样的遗传机制控制。 The morphological changes of the interosseous small bones in the early stage of development of Hemibarbuslabeo were observed by the method of whole bone staining. The results showed that all the other bones of the lip, except for the interosseous bone, had been formed 35 days after fertilization (dpf) Ossification completed. Myenteric ossicles began ossification in the caudal region at 35 dpf (corresponding body length of 23.67 cm). The medullary small bones first appeared between the 37th and 41th sternosomal segments of the tail. Sarcomere, and then in turn forward; to 62 dpf (the corresponding body length of 30.03cm) myenteric ossification completely completed. During the process of ossification, the small bones of the lip and the lip are from simple type I to type BU and then type Y, and then differentiate into various complex forms. The timing and morphology of the formation of the interosseous intermuscular bones are similar to those of other carp species, suggesting that the ossification of the interosseous bones in the subfamilies of Cyprinidae may be controlled by the same genetic mechanism. Research highlights: At present, the studies on the mode of ossification between carps are limited to the silver carp and the pattern animal zebrafish of the submarine silver carp. By comparing the ossification patterns of the interosseous fossils of other subfamilies, it is helpful to explore the common carp Conservativeness of the interocular ossification mode in fish. This paper found that the submicrophilic ossification  subfamily labial ossification pattern is very similar with silver carp, suggesting that carp ossification of ossification may be controlled by the same genetic mechanism.
验证牛顿第二定律实验装置如图1所示,研究对象的小车(包括车上的砝码)质量为M,砂和砂桶的总质量为m。则 Verification of Newton’s second law experimental device is sh
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