
来源 :汽车维护与修理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgl_0251
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汽车销售服务企业在当前活跃的车市背后面临两个问题的困惑,一是汽车行业是否一定有“战国时期”?何时开始?如何应对?二是汽车销售服务企业到底能否做大?能做多大?下面结合中外汽车行业的实际状况来讨论这两个问题。有人描述2002年的中国汽车市场的增长是“井喷”,汽车(尤其是乘用车)产销两旺,成为国民经济高增长的重要支撑力量。2002年 Car sales and service enterprises in the current active auto market faces two puzzles behind the question, one is the automotive industry must have “Warring States Period”? When to start? How to deal with? Second, the car sales and service companies in the end can do bigger? How much? The following combination of the actual situation of Chinese and foreign automobile industry to discuss these two issues. Some people described the growth of China’s automobile market as “blowout” in 2002. The production and sales of automobiles (especially passenger cars) are booming and have become an important support force for the high growth of the national economy. year 2002
文章以英文报纸China Press(《大陆报》)和《申报》为资料基础,对美商开洛电台广播音乐进行研究,呈现出早期外商电台的音乐节目特征,将开洛电台广播音乐视为城市音乐文化的组
目的 探讨微波辐射治疗白内障囊外摘除及人工晶体植入术后难治性并发症的治疗效果。方法 对于 5例经采用保守治疗无效的白内障术后并发症进行微波辐射治疗。结果  5例并发
The transmision mechanism of vibrational power flow in the complex flekible coupled system of machinery mouned on a multi-storey plant building via isolators ar
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7 试验与监测7.1 一般规定 《规程》规定: (1)根据大爆破的级别和复杂性,爆破器材检测和爆破试验项目应遵守下列规定: ①A、B级大爆破,必须严格按本章规定的全部项目进行检