挪威地球物理学家M.Hovland提出了一种新的珊瑚礁形成理论,该理论对于指导油气勘探有一定的意义。M.Hovland认为:许多珊瑚礁和碳酸盐岩隆是在海底形成的,其成因与富含营养物质的流体通过海底的渗流有关。这个观点是他在致力于解释为什么会在中挪威岸外大陆架的深水和冷水中发现众多的活珊瑚礁时提出的。据资料记载,发现这些主要由Lophelia prtusa类组成的冷水珊瑚礁已有80多年了,而且至今,仍如当初发现时那样令人迷惑不解。在西北欧岸外和美国东海岸外的深水和冷水中也发现了这类珊瑚礁。这些珊瑚礁在海底呈高达20m、宽70m的锥状构造。
Norwegian geophysicist M.Hovland proposed a new theory of coral reef formation, which is of some significance for guiding oil and gas exploration. M. Hovland argues that many coral reefs and carbonate moons are formed on the seafloor due to the seepage of nutrient-rich fluids through the ocean floor. This view was raised when he was devoted to explaining why many living coral reefs were found in the deep and cold water of the Norwegian continental shelf off the coast of Norway. According to the records, it has been found for more than 80 years that these cold-water coral reefs, mainly of the Lophelia prtusa class, have been as confusing as they were when they were discovered. Such coral reefs were also found in deep and cold water off the northwestern Europe and on the east coast of the United States. These coral reefs are conical structures up to 20m in width and 70m in width at the sea floor.