
来源 :语数外学习(高中版下旬) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shizhijian
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数列是高中数学中的重要知识点,也是同学们学习中的难点所在。在解数列问题时,要认真分析题目,抓住题目的关键,找到解题的方法。下面对高中数列题常用的解题方法作一介绍。一、理解概念,运用数列的性质解题数学概念是数学命题、数学推理的基础,也是数学学习中的一个重点。面对复杂多变的数列题型,只有掌握数列的相关概念,理解数列的有关性质,了解数列中各个量的计算方法,才能在解题时做到游刃有余。在具体的审题过程中,首先应将题目中的已知条件进 The sequence is an important point of knowledge in high school mathematics, and it is also a difficult point for the students to learn. In solving the problem of sequence, we must carefully analyze the subject, grasp the key issue, and find a solution to the problem. The following high school series of questions commonly used method to make an introduction. First, to understand the concept of the nature of the use of sequence solving Mathematical concepts are mathematical propositions, the basis of mathematical reasoning, mathematics learning is also a key point. In the face of the complex and ever-changing sequence of questions, only by grasping the related concepts of the series, understanding the related properties of the series, and understanding the calculation methods of the quantities in the series can we do enough to solve the problem. In the specific examination process, the first topic should be known conditions into
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云南省峨山彝族自治县化念镇党宽村位于化念镇西北部,全村438户,1 682人,139.9公顷(合2 099亩)耕地,是一个汉、彝、苗、哈尼、傣族等多民族聚集的村委会.2001年开展“三个代