
来源 :高等学校化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weidingsen
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A new zeolite modified electrode was prepared by using zeolite/polyvinyl as amodifier on GCE. The anodic stripping voltammograms of Ph2+ on ZPE is caused by zeoliteselective adsorption to Pb. The linear range of Ph2+ in 0. 5 mol/L KCl(pH=2. 0) solution is1. 0 × 10-6~ 1. 0 × 10-3 mol/L with 0. 999 correlation coefficient (n = 6). The relativestandard deviation of the response to 4. 0 × 10-6 mol/L Pb2+ on ZPE which has been repeatedlyproduced for ten times is 2. 5 %. The detection limit is 3. 0× 10-7 mol/L Pb2+. To the 1. 0×10-6 mol/L Ph2+, 1 000 times A13+, Na+, K+, CI-, SO, NO3-, Hg2+, 100 times Ni2+,Co2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, Mn2+ and 10 times Ca2+, Fe3+, Mo6+, Cr3+ do not disturb theanalysis. The ZPE shows a high selectivity, sensitivity and a desired reproducibility. Itssensitivity dropped to 90% of the original value after it had been continuously used for thousandtimes. A new zeolite modified electrode was prepared by using zeolite / polyvinyl as amodifier on GCE. The anodic stripping voltammograms of Ph2 + on ZPE was caused by zeoliteselective adsorption to Pb. The linear range of Ph2 + in0.5 mol / L KCl (pH = 2 . 0) solution is1. 0 × 10-6 ~ 1. 0 × 10-3 mol / L with 0. 999 correlation coefficient (n = 6). The relative standard deviation of the response to 4. 0 × 10-6 mol / L Pb2 + on ZPE which has been repeatedproduced for ten times is 2.5%. The detection limit is 3. 0 × 10-7 mol / L Pb2 +. To the 1. 0 × 10-6 mol / L Ph2 +, 1000 times A13 +, Na +, K +, CI-, SO, NO3-, Hg2 +, 100 times Ni2 +, Co2 +, Cu2 +, Zn2 +, Cd2 +, Mn2 + and 10 times Ca2 +, Fe3 +, Mo6 +, Cr3 + do not disturb theanalysis. , sensitivity and a desired reproducibility. Its sensitivity has been reduced to 90% of the original value after it had been continuously used for thousandtimes.
我院于1992年10月至1993年2月应用法国博福—益普生制药公司生产的思密达治疗婴幼儿急性腹泻120例,另用口服庆大霉素治疗30例作为对照,现将结果报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 病
一、引言 齿轮联轴器在重型机械,如卷扬机、轧机、起重机械、行车等设备上使用十分广泛。 齿轮联轴器的功能不仅使左、右两轴牢固联接,并且要把两轴轴心间的相对偏移或偏斜得
急性白血病血清铜、锌及铜锌比值变化早巳被人们所重视。我们对我院1985~1988年收治的急性白血病15例进行了铜、锌及铜锌比值的测定。现将结果报告如下。 Acute leukemia se
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